
Showing posts from May, 2022

After 100 Hours Of Playing Elden Ring, Here Are Some Tips I'd Like To Share

I've logged over 100 hours in Elden Ring now. My primary character is at level 72 and my secondary character is around level 25 and while I can't claim to be an expert at the game, I will say that I've got some tips to make the game a little easier to manage and help you level up fairly quick.  Tip #1: Pick your character and focus your attribute points to the primary attack style Elden Ring offers a lot of character customization from the avatar down to the distribution of attribute points which can seem daunting if you don't fully understand your character and where to distribute your attribute points. When choosing your character, consider each characters attack style. For instance, the confessor seems to be the build that people find the easiest to play with so I'll use that as an example. The confessor class has a good balance between faith based magic and melee attacks. (Please note that I said faith based magic which is different from spell casting magic whic