
Showing posts from July, 2022

Job Hopping: Is it a red flag?

I saw this post on LinkedIn the other day that mentioned “job hoppers” that piqued my interest. The gist of the post was that there is a stigma around “job hoppers” because they leave jobs so frequently and hiring managers see that as a big red flag. The post went on to say that “job hoppers” aren’t necessarily bad because companies are looking out for themselves so why shouldn’t employees? The reason this post piqued my interest is because if you look at my resume, some will say that I’m a “job hopper” or assume that I can’t hold a job which is untrue. See, my first job out of college was a 3-month contract working with a small staffing company in Northern VA. Toward the end of my contract there were somethings that started happening that made me feel apprehensive about continuing my employment with the company. The first issue was with the account executive. One day I get all call from the boss, and she said that she needed me to go into the personnel files and find the file for