
Showing posts from February, 2023

Holy Child Labor Law Violations, Batman!

  It's been a while since I've actually written anything, but I came across this article that lit a fire under my ass, so here's my first post for 2023!  I was scrolling through my Google News feed on my walk to the grocery store when I came across this article about a 14-year-old work the register at a fast food joint. Obviously this piqued my curiosity or I wouldn't been sitting here blogging about it, so I gave it a read.  Now, before I assume my position on my soapbox, I should probably mention that I've been working in some way shape or form since I was about 10-years-old. The first job I ever had was cutting grass. I know some people might not think this is a job, but remind me again what it is that landscapers do? Oh yeah, yardwork, so it was a job. I remember my dad taking me outside and showing me how to use the mower. Back then we didn't have the one with a motor. Oh no, we had the one with two wheels that ran on the power of whoever was pushing it and