
Showing posts from May, 2023

Does Body Count Matter??

I spend a lot of time on the internet and during that time I come across a lot of videos about body count. Does it matter? Doesn't it matter? Why does it matter? You name it and people are talking about it and I think one thing we should all realize by now is that it some degree or another.  Whether you agree, or even like what I'm about to say, body count does matter to some degree or another. Now, I don't want to contribute to anyone's narrative that this is about one gender versus the other. I don't like that narrative because it's simply not true. Men are doing their dirt and women are doing theirs.  I've been on this Earth for 35 years now and one thing that's become painfully evident is that people commonly dismiss what's right in front of them because it doesn't fit their belief system or it hurts their feelings and if we took a second to stop and actually listen, we'd understand why body count matters.  Don't it Twisted.