
Showing posts from August, 2023

Here's Are Some Thing I've Learned From Growing My Cannabis Plant

Growing my plant turned out to be a complete waste of time. The whole appeal of DIY growing was not having to spend money on bud. From what I understand, a plant can yield about a pound of marijuana which would have lasted me at least 6 months, however, my plant turned out to be a male which is basically useless.  I know, I know...what do you mean useless? Well, male plants aren't the ones we smoke; it's the female plants that produce the potent sticky icky bud we all love.  Yes, I'm disappointed that my own grow was a bust, however, I figured I could at least share the things I learned along the way.  Male Plants versus Female Plants If you happen to come across a seed, or two, there's no way to tell whether or not a plant is male or female until it starts to grown, so my first tip is that if you only have the one seed, pray...pray real hard or skip planting all together because if you do end up with a male plant, it's more of a hassle than it's worth.  Serious

Return To Sender Wasn't That Great

I watched Return To Sender yesterday, and for anyone who has not seen this movie, it was released in 2015. The film is starred by Rosamund Pike, Nick Nolte, and Shiloh Fernandez. Pike plays a nurse who has a bit of a control issue which is evident throughout the movie. It's not evident whether she has an issue with germs or has OCD, however, outside of that little quirk, she seems to be a relatively normal person leading a relatively normal life.  She has good relationship with her father, played by Nolte, and she has a good relationship with her co-workers one of whom is worried about Pike's character's love life, so she sets her up on a blind date with a man named Kevin. Not much detail is given about Kevin save for the fact that the friend has been trying to set them up for a while now.  The movie carries on a bit to display Pike's character's life as normal and routine until we arrive at date night. The Pike is on the couch painting her toe nails and notices the

I Hate Feeling Helpless...and Whatever is Akin to it

I woke up this morning in a blind rage. I'm not exaggerating that to paint some elaborate word picture. I mean it. I woke up this morning and I wanted to unleash hate on the world just to watch it burn.  You've seen The Dark Knight, right? Batman movie with Heath Ledger as The Joker? Anyway, there's a line in it where Alfred tells Batman that some men just want to watch the world burn and that's exact how I would describe how I'm feeling.  Then I started checking my phone. No sales on my website. No movement on the job front. Financially speaking I'm running on worse than fumes. At this point my bank accounts are full of hopes and dreams, which of course, doesn't pay the bills.  My socials aren't really hitting on shit. Most of the stuff I post just ends up in the ether. Most days I feel like I'm just wasting my time because I'm not good at anything anyway. Sometimes I think I'm just not smart enough or funny enough. Who cares what I have to