
Showing posts from June, 2020

Expensive is the American Dream

Expensive is the American Dream So, the other day I tweeted about minimum wage and it got me to thinking which then lead me to some questions and before I knew it I working on a full blown research project. Not really sure if anyone cares but I figured since I had gone through the trouble I may as well share. Before I get too deep into this I want to say that all the numbers I got from online resources and they do not account for taxes. All of the monthly calculations are based on a 40, 50, or 60 hour work week with each month having exactly 4 weeks. I know this isn't exact but again theses are just rough estimates based on simple math and information found on the Internet. Alright, the first thing I looked into was the state minimum wages, federal minimum wage. Now if you look at the table below it basically shows you all the state minimums and what that would be per month. State Federal Wage State Wage State m