
Showing posts from January, 2021

Decoding WandaVision and What's Next for the MCU

Alright so if you haven't seen WandaVision and you don't like spoilers then you should probably stop reading here because this will just annoy you.  If you have seen WandaVision and you have seen up to episode 4 then you should at least know what's going on in the show if not the overall arc and if you're a little behind I am sorry if this ruins the episodes for you but I did warn you it would contain spoilers.  What's going on with Wanda and the TV show??? Like I said, if you've been watching the show you and you've kept up then you know that Wanda is behind the whole thing and by now you're probably asking, "...but why?" The answer is simple. If you noticed when Vision came back into the house after she expelled Captain Rambo you saw what Vision really looked like. If you hadn't gathered that he was dead then you should recall that in the movies Thanos ripped the infinity stone from his head to complete the gauntlet; he was never brought

Activision Blizzard says interviewing diverse candidates for every opening "unworkable"

If you know me then you know how much I love video games. Activision Blizzard has made some pretty dope games that I have played in the past and I am glad they are still around today making titles we love, so it's very disheartening when you see these kinds of headlines that make you automatically assume that whatever they are saying is a load of shit.  Apparently there is a proposal for Activision Blizzard which would require them to interview at least one diverse candidate for each job opening and Activision's argument is that if they do that it will impact their ability to compete for top talent in a fast moving market.  Staffing is what some people would say is my professional expertise, not that I would ever be happy about such a ridiculous thing, but anyway, since college I have worked in the staffing industry and I can say that there argument isn't without merit but the reason they make the argument is the entire reason I hate the staffing industry in the first place

I don't get why people are afraid of the internet

 I grew up with the internet and while I didn't always have a computer at home they we did have them at school and we learned to use them. We play games that were created to teach us how to properly type on the keyboard. That's why a lot of us know how to type so well is because we have been learning to do it from a very young age.  What really helped my typing skills was the fact that right around high school instant messaging and Myspace were a big deal. We weren't spending hours talking on the phone anymore, we were on the computer chatting on messenger or Myspace and that gave me a lot of time to practice my typing without having to take the time to practice my typing.  Another thing they taught us in school was how to use the internet to find information. All through high school and college we would do research papers/projects that would require us to crack open a book and learn something that wasn't being taught inside the classroom. Almost every time I would get

People are either full of Sh!t or Hypocrites

One thing I have realized of over the years is that most people are full of shit of are hypocrites-- myself included and that's not to say that I just walk around talking out of my ass; I just mean to say that sometimes we say things with considering the other side or how we would feel if someone were doing something similar to us.  You Can't Censor me! I have rights! One of the biggest crazes today is to say something and then get mad when someone opposes your view or calls it hate speech. When the pandemic started to get really serious here in America the medical community hadn't been unified on the effective on whether people should wear masks or not. Even Dr. Drew was on the side of the pandemic not being that serious and it wasn't until fairly recently that he came out and apologized for helping spread the misinformation.  As the medical community started to rally around the mask wearing mandates social media sites aimed to help by stopping the spread of misinforma

Trying to Make Sense of Nothing Making Sense

Introduction to madness...  The other day I saw a clip of Joe Rogan's podcast and in it he was saying that fame was hollow pursuit and that there's a difference between being famous for something you love or trying to be famous. He even admits that him saying it was a bit hypocritical, as if that should exclude him from someone saying anything to disagree with his point.  I went to bed and woke up the next morning and I checked my bank account, not enough money, and after that I was just disinterested with life and wanted to go back to sleep. As I was laying there going back to sleep my mind started to reflect on that pearl of wisdom Rogan shared with us and how it makes no sense. Nothing makes any sense. Why would he say it's a hollow pursuit if it's a hypocritical statement? Doesn't that just make it something akin to do as I say and not as I do? I mean, who aspires to be a moderately successful actor? Most people want to be on the big screen. Who strives to be th