Gina Carano fired, Pedro Pascal is Disappointed and Even Bill Burr Has Something to Say


Gina Carano finally forced Disney to cut ties with her and she doesn't seem to be very happy about it-- for the life of me I can't figure out why she is so upset with the situation. She was able to use social media to voice her opinions, people reacted to those opinions, Disney warned her, gave her a chance to apologize and smooth things over, but Gina stuck to her guns and Disney had to cut ties. In my mind, she got exactly what she wanted. She wanted to speak her mind and not be told she has to watch what she says in public forums and now she can do that working with Ben Shapiro and his brand of crazy. 

I get that she might have wanted to stay on the Mandalorian, but that's not how being a celebrity and working in film works. The reason they casted Terrance Howard to play Rhodey in the original Iron Man is because at the time his star was on the rise and people knew that adding him to the cast would bring more viewers to the theater. They later switched to Don Cheadle because Howard was asking for too much money just being a supporting character, but again, they chose someone who would draw people in to see the movie and that's how it works. 

Why do you think some of those low budget movies you've seen aren't more popular? It's because more often than not, they can't cast anyone for their movie because they don't have a blockbuster budget so they have to find talent who will fit their budget AND help make a good movie. I have seen some really great movies that people have never heard of simply because they never made it to theaters because they weren't going to be a huge money maker. 

Case in point: Empire was a great show, but if they hadn't cast Terrance Howard and Taraji P. Henson, I don't think it would have gained as big of a following as it did. Even after the Jussie Smollet situation, the show kept going with out him and I am not saying that what Carano did is exactly equal, but they all work in an industry where image is everything. 

Pedro Pascal is Disappointed and Bill Burr thinks Carano is a sweetheart

According to the reports, Pascal and Carano were friends; when she was in the hot seat for her callous response to the LGBTQ community's request, he stepped in, and explained it to her in a way that made her see that maybe she handled the situation in the wrong way which would lead me to believe that when she landed herself right back in the hot seat for her political and anti-mask tweets I am sure he probably tried to explain that as well. In the end she didn't listen and I am sure that a lot of people that worked with her and wanted her to stay on the project and future projects are disappointed because at the end of the day she threw away a great opportunity with one of the largest production studios and companies in the world all so she could keep tweeting. 

To me that seems rather childish especially considering this is the career path she chose. She wants to be loved and adored by people, but people don't love and adore people who falsely claim that a presidential election is rigged and promote anti-mask sentiment while millions of people are dying around the world from this pandemic. People didn't want to watch a show and support a person that they don't like. Just like people are boycotting Goya because their CEO has lost his mind somewhere on the Trump train and people have chosen to give someone else their money and that's how it works. If Goya loses revenue it's because their CEO is sipping on the Trump Flavor-Aid and no one can be mad at anyone for that loss in revenue except the CEO. 

Bill Burr, who also works on the Mandalorian, said Carano was a sweetheart and that next people are going to be looking for ways to cancel him. Obviously he had a little bit softer of a touch than he does on other subjects and I get that he probably didn't feel like Carano was the monster everyone was making her out to be because she is such a nice person. Well, to that I say, Donald Sterling owned a predominantly black sports' team and probably seemed like a great guy to anyone who wasn't black and if you were black you might feel a little uneasy around him but overall he can't be too bad of a guy because he's still signing over millions of dollars to the very people he hated and at that time no one knew about him being a racist so let's chill on the character witnessing and keep focus on the body of work, Bill. 

In the end, Gina Carano has no one to blame but herself. I get that we all want to have our opinions, but some of them come at cost especially when you work in an industry where your popularity fuels your success.  


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