
Showing posts from June, 2021

Lin-Manuel Miranda “In the Heights” Colorism Controversy

Admittedly, I’ve only ever really seen Lin-Manuel Miranda in House and I’ve only heard about the productions he’s worked in and on, but I am familiar with his political stances and how he champions equality and inclusion for all; not just people in the Latino/a/x community,  so when I read about this “controversy” I had to see what all the fuss was about, and while I do agree that diversity and inclusion is a huge topic of discussion today, I think this is one of those issues that people are conflating with the overall issue of racism in America. Reading about the lack of darker skinned Hispanics in his most recent production “In the Heights”, felt like a trivial argument given the fact that we as spectators don’t know who or what considerations were made when casting this production. I don’t think anyone complaining stopped to think about just how many darker skinned people actually auditioned for the film as I am sure they had a casting call for Latino/a/x and Hispanic actors to co

NC Could be the Latest State to Join the Movement to End Federal Unemployment Assistance

A Bill to end the Federal Unemployment Assistance program that has kept many of Americans afloat during this pandemic, and for some, it provided more income than they would have had if the pandemic happened at all, but now that the vaccine is being mass distributed and, employers are claiming their is a worker "shortage", and republican law makers, like Senator Chuck Edwards, believe that the pandemic is mostly behinds us and that our economy should not be stuck a Covid levels. He ended his statement by saying, "Now is not the time to being paying people more to not work."  Last month, Edwards pitched the idea to pay people $1,500 for accepting a new job within 60 days of it becoming law, however, the idea didn't catch. With his new Bill, work search requirements would be stricter requiring job seekers to respond to an interview request within 48 hours, schedule an interview with 7 days of an interview request, and attend any re-employment activities for associa

Should Twitch Streamers be promoting "sketchy" or "ethically ambiguous" gambling sites?

The more I get immersed into the world of Twitch, the more I start to realize that I have no idea what's happening on Twitch. Case in point, I had no idea that Twitch streamers were getting sponsorships from casinos. Which casinos I have no clue, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that casinos are sponsoring Twitch streamers because some command a lot of attention.  Recently there have been some people who have been vocal about not liking the idea of casinos sponsoring streamers or streamers accepting their sponsorships because of they "sketchy" and "ethically ambiguous". With the debate picking up steam and not looking like it's going to die down anytime soon, I think it's probably a good idea to actually consider whether or not streamers should accept, or be sponsored by Casinos.  Sponsorships and Making Money on Twitch For anyone who doesn't know how Twitch works, here's a quick rundown. Once you start a channel, you start your path to b

Sketchy developers and a Building Collapse in Florida

Last week Thursday I saw in the headlines that a building had just collapsed in Florida. My first thought was how the heck does a building just randomly collapse? Obviously, I had some questions so I followed the story and here's what I found out. Sketchy Developers and the Accusations of Special Treatment According to a report, the developers of the 12 story building developers, included some people with some sketchy backgrounds. One such person was named, Nathan Reiber . Nathan Reiber was a Polish-born Canadian lawyer, who in 1970, was charged with tax evasion by the Canadian authorities.  Reiber and his business partners were skimming cash from the apartments they were renting as well as skimming money from the laundry rooms within the building and pocketed $120k in phony construction checks. Reiber would also be hit with a professional misconduct citation for the tax evasion. In 1984, he would settle the suit by returning $60k of the pocketed funds.  In 1979, Reiber and his par

Twitch, ASMR, and the Line

I love Twitch, I really do, and being that I am relatively new to the streaming community, I don't know a lot of the lingo, so when I heard about the Hot Tub Meta ASMR, or whatever it's called, I was kind of disgusted with it. Now I'm not saying I can't appreciate a beautiful woman in a hot tub, or that everything a woman does shouldn't be sexualized, but the one thing people know Twitch for is gaming and these people were just sitting in hot tubs doing different things and the majority of it had not thing to do with anything other than trying to get people to tune in. Some of the content got very sexually suggestive and some bans from Twitch followed.  Now that the hot tube ASMR trend has seemingly cooled, some people have found a new ASMR. The new thing is called the Ear Licking ASMR Meta, not sure if meta is in the wrong spot or I should have left it out completely, but really I don't care because the whole thing is stupid. So here's the skinny on that, b

If you haven't bought any glassware for your flower

Let's face it, there's just something nostalgic about rolling your flower, but sometimes it can be a hassle. For instance, how many times have you gone to the store to buy a wrap, get home, open it up, and that bad boy pretty much turned to dust as soon as you got to breaking it down? You know the second one isn't going to be much better, and if you messed around and got a 5-pack, you're probably stuck trying to piece together enough of the leaves to make a passable blunt, but it was without a lot of effort. Smoking shouldn't be that hard, like, ever and that's one of the reasons you should buy glassware or a pipe. It's way more convenient to just grind up some flower and put it in a bowl than it is to do all that rolling and I know some glass pieces can be very expensive, but if you think about how much money you'll save on rolling papers and stale wraps, you'll realize that a one time purchase can save you hundreds of dollars and the headache of de