Sketchy developers and a Building Collapse in Florida

Last week Thursday I saw in the headlines that a building had just collapsed in Florida. My first thought was how the heck does a building just randomly collapse? Obviously, I had some questions so I followed the story and here's what I found out.

Sketchy Developers and the Accusations of Special Treatment

According to a report, the developers of the 12 story building developers, included some people with some sketchy backgrounds. One such person was named, Nathan Reiber. Nathan Reiber was a Polish-born Canadian lawyer, who in 1970, was charged with tax evasion by the Canadian authorities. 

Reiber and his business partners were skimming cash from the apartments they were renting as well as skimming money from the laundry rooms within the building and pocketed $120k in phony construction checks. Reiber would also be hit with a professional misconduct citation for the tax evasion. In 1984, he would settle the suit by returning $60k of the pocketed funds. 

In 1979, Reiber and his partners were unable to start the project due to a moratorium over faulty sewers which Reiber and his partners would agree to pay $400k, half of the bill, in order to begin construction. Reiber and his partners would be given the go-ahead at the dismay of rival developers due to their projects still be stalled out by the moratorium. Following accusations that Reiber and his group had paid off two city officials to get the permits, the group demanded that the money donated to said city officials be given back. Reiber would die in 2014 due to cancer, and most of the people associated with the condo have passed as well. 

Structural Damage and a Fair Warning

In 2018, the condos were cited by Frank Morabito for having what he would classify as major damage. Cracks in the concrete were a big issue, but the main issue according or Morabito was a poor drainage pool deck that sat atop a parking garage at the site. Morabito warned that if not properly repaired the damage would worsen and could potentially lead to structural failure. 

According to another report, Morabito told the associate that the damage would range from $9 -$15 million dollars and that the association didn't respond for 18 months. The building fell last week Thursday and the death toll is currently 9 and approximately 150 people missing. 


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