
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Second Season Of The Witcher is Out on Netflix

Yesterday I spent the majority of the day playing Destiny and watching the second season of The Witcher . There are 8 episodes to this new season, and each are really good. So far I think they are doing a great job with the show, but my biggest issue with it is the casting.  Outside of Henry Cavill, I don't really like any of the people they picked to play the main characters. I don't care for the person playing Yennefer. Don't get wrong, she's a talented actress and attractive, but she looks far too young to be Yennefer of Vengerberg. If you played the games, Yennefer seemed older, and when I say older I just mean someone in their 30s and this Yennefer looks like she's just finished college and looking for a job. I just don't fully buy into her character.  Dijkstra was a very large fellow, but capable on his feet. The guy they picked to play him looks like an old fogey trying to hang onto his last piece of relevance in an ever changing world. Obviously the guy

Finally Finished Watching FX's The Strain this Weekend and...

The Strain first aired on FX back in 2014, and I started watching it but I never got pasted the first season because I had other things going on; mainly life, but I decided over the last few weeks I would finish it because it was an interesting show and I thought it was a different take on "vampires" that was a nice change of pace from the traditional bloodsuckers we all know and love to watch.  For anyone not aware of the show, this is the part where I tell you about the show and if you don't like spoilers, you should probably stop reading right now because I will disclose some things that could potentially ruin the show for those who don't appreciate spoilers as much as I do. I know it's weird, but I have to know.  Anyway, The Strain follows the life of Ephrem Goodweather, a doctor with the CDC. The show picks up as an international flight lands in New York and all the passengers are seemingly dead. Ephrem and his team are called into investigate the situation.

If I Were the Owner of the Brooklyn Nets I'd...

The new NBA season has been underway for more than a few weeks now, and as we all know, Kyrie Irving still hasn't played a single game since the season started due to the vaccine mandate in New York. The Nets decided to keep Kyrie sidelined until he can compete fully and not just during games that aren't at home.  The Nets seem to be playing okay at the moment, but a lot of people feel the Nets would be a complete team if Kyrie wasn't riding the pine which is understandable because he is a great player and anytime one of the great players on a team isn't playing people always question the performance of the team in their absence. Even if the team is playing well and winning games, people will always question the close games a team won or lost based on the presence of their star athletes.  With all that being said, word from the grapevine is the Kyrie will only play if he gets traded, and I can see why he'd want that. He's refusing to get vaccinated and there are