The Second Season Of The Witcher is Out on Netflix

Yesterday I spent the majority of the day playing Destiny and watching the second season of The Witcher. There are 8 episodes to this new season, and each are really good. So far I think they are doing a great job with the show, but my biggest issue with it is the casting. 

Outside of Henry Cavill, I don't really like any of the people they picked to play the main characters. I don't care for the person playing Yennefer. Don't get wrong, she's a talented actress and attractive, but she looks far too young to be Yennefer of Vengerberg. If you played the games, Yennefer seemed older, and when I say older I just mean someone in their 30s and this Yennefer looks like she's just finished college and looking for a job. I just don't fully buy into her character. 

Dijkstra was a very large fellow, but capable on his feet. The guy they picked to play him looks like an old fogey trying to hang onto his last piece of relevance in an ever changing world. Obviously the guy they picked is fit for his age, but I don't buy that he is the capable spy Dijkstra. 

The girl playing Ciri looks like she's about 12, and while I understand that they wanted Ciri's character to appear in her late teens, early 20s, the girl they picked looks really young, especially compared to the other cast members. Maybe if they had picked someone a little older to play Yennefer, Ciri wouldn't look so young, but together, they look like they're pretty much the same age and it's not playing well for me. 

I will say they picked a decent guy to play Vesemir, but seeing him in real life makes me think they should have gone a different direction with the character because he is a witcher after all, but he looks like he drives trucks for a living, you know? Maybe if they had picked someone more fit and nixed the handle bar mustache I'd buy the character a little more. 

Even though I don't agree with most of the casting choices, I think they are doing a good job adapting the game to TV. The story is a little bit different than most of us are used to, but I think they are doing a good job keeping the meat and potatoes of the original story while fitting it to the big screen. I do wish they would give a better look at Geralt's powers because he is capable of so much more, but they only shown us things on a small scale. I also don't like how they just take elixirs. In the game the elixirs had specific purpose same with the oils for the blades. 

One elixir that the witchers use is called Cat and it gives witchers the ability to see in the dark. There's also whale which allows witchers to hold their breath longer under water. Obviously they can't use every one, but I think it would be better if the story included a few instead of the witchers taking some random elixir that does who knows what. I don't even think they explained what the elixir is and how it helps the witchers fight monsters. 

Overall, I love the show, and I'm not going to bail on it because of a few minor things and the bad casting, because it's still a good story and I want to see it through to the end. 


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