
Showing posts from April, 2022

Thoughts on Cancelling Student Loan Debt

When it comes to cancelling student loan debt, you're either for the idea or against the idea, and I understand both sides of the argument very well, but personally, I'm for the idea and not just because it would benefit me.  Cancelling student loan debt would definitely benefit me, but that's not the only reason I'm for it. The biggest reason I'm for it is because I know there are people out there right now that have it worse than me when it comes to student loan debt for whatever reason. Maybe they have kids and can't give them the things they want because they're still paying on student loans 10 years later. Maybe the cost of living has increased in their area and haven't seen a pay raise to compensate. Whatever the case, there are people out there right now struggling because they have this massive debt they are trying to pay back because they were told the only way to get a good job is to go to college.  While that wasn't terrible advice, the pr

A Few Words About Being Vulnerable

  Putting yourself out there is a tough thing to do and I don't care who it is that we're talking about. Even some of the most seemingly secure people in the world have their insecurities, fears, and doubts.  It's hard because being vulnerable isn't easy especially when it comes to strangers. For instance, the first date is always a make or break because if one, or both people, don't make a move to put themselves out there enough for the other person to get interested and want a second date then it's on the next.  A lot of people like to think it's easy to put yourself out there because they might claim to do it all the time, but the truth is that no matter how sociable someone may seem, there's always something they don't want the general masses to know for fear of being judged.  The best way to look at putting yourself out there is to acknowledge that no matter what you do or say, the bigger the audience, the bigger the chance is that someone will

Slap! The Greatest Night in TV History

Photo: Myung Chun/Los Angeles Times/Shutterstock By now you had to have heard about Will Smith slapping the absolute piss out of Chris Rock, right? Well if you haven't I'll give you a brief recap.  Chris Rock was doing his emcee thing on stage, cracking some jokes and then when get got around to Jada Smith he said, "Jada, I love you, and I can't wait for GI Jane 2." At first Will was laughing, but then when he saw Jada wasn't too pleased, he proceeded to leave his seat, walk up to the stage, and slap Chris Rock.  When he returned to his seat he kept yelling, "Keep my wife's name outta your f*cking mouth!" to which Chris replied, "Okay, I will." and carried on like a true professional. Now, I'm not going to sit up on some high horse and pretend that it wasn't funny, but that being said, the board of the Oscars, or whatever those people are called, were none too pleased and are considering stripping Will of his Oscar for the scene