Slap! The Greatest Night in TV History

Photo: Myung Chun/Los Angeles Times/Shutterstock
By now you had to have heard about Will Smith slapping the absolute piss out of Chris Rock, right? Well if you haven't I'll give you a brief recap. 

Chris Rock was doing his emcee thing on stage, cracking some jokes and then when get got around to Jada Smith he said, "Jada, I love you, and I can't wait for GI Jane 2." At first Will was laughing, but then when he saw Jada wasn't too pleased, he proceeded to leave his seat, walk up to the stage, and slap Chris Rock. 

When he returned to his seat he kept yelling, "Keep my wife's name outta your f*cking mouth!" to which Chris replied, "Okay, I will." and carried on like a true professional. Now, I'm not going to sit up on some high horse and pretend that it wasn't funny, but that being said, the board of the Oscars, or whatever those people are called, were none too pleased and are considering stripping Will of his Oscar for the scene. 

The only problem with stripping Will of his Oscar for the scene is that there are people who've done egregious things far worse than Will's transgression. People like Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polanski, Mel Gibson, Casey Affleck, and Gary Oldman have done and been accused of far worse things than a simple slap. 

Case in point, we all know about Harvey Weinstein, but maybe you didn't know that Gary Oldman was accused of domestic violence and defended Mel Gibson who told his long time partner that he hoped she'd get raped by a bunch n*ggers and he broke several of her teeth. 

So you see, if they strip Will of his Oscar win, they'd have to do the same to those people I mentioned and even some I might not have mentioned for their past transgressions because if they don't and they choose to only strip Will of his win, things might go downhill very fast for the Oscars. 

Read more about controversial stars that have kept their awards here:


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