
Showing posts from March, 2023

Just Call Me AC Because I Need to Vent

Life is a funny thing, you know? One minute things are going fine then the next minute there's a five alarm fire in the tiny dumpster you call your life and things seem really dark and hopeless.  Last year, around this same time, I was staying with my dad. To preface this story for anyone who isn't in the know, when the pandemic first started I was working a job in construction staffing and living on my own. At that point in time, my life was finally getting back on track from all the other setbacks and felt like I was going to be alright.  Then Covid made landfall in America and spread like wildfire. It wasn't a huge issue at first because it hadn't spread, but as more and more people got sick and the lockdown looming, I decided that I should hold off on getting a car, I didn't have one, and hang on to that money in case I got laid off.  Sure enough I found myself laid off and collecting unemployment. It wasn't bad because it was a lot of money. The problem cam