To Be or Not To Be, Should Bungie Make A Destiny 3??

I was scrolling through Twitter this morning and I happened to notice that Destiny 3 was trending, so I decided to dive head first into that rabbit hole and see what people are talking about. From what I could tell, the rabbit hole started from a tweet authored by a relatively large Destiny fan account that read, "Unpopular Opinion: Destiny 3 needs to happen". 

For those of you that haven't played Destiny and are wondering why it would be an unpopular opinion if the game is popular, well, that's because in recent years Destiny has gotten a lot of negative feedback and even seen its popularity start to wean. One common complain is that the storyline isn't cohesive and doesn't make a lot of sense. Some players hate the direction PvP has gone and feel the entire system is broken. 

Some people don't like the idea of a Destiny 3 because there's a good chance that could mean a hard reset. Destiny 2 released in 2017 and for those of us who have been playing the game since then, a hard reset isn't appealing for the simple fact that no one wants to throw away 6 years of hard work just to start that whole process over again. 

Despite all of its flaws, Destiny 2 still remains a popular title and there are a lot of people who would enjoy seeing a Destiny 3 and here are my thoughts on the topic. 

Should Bungie Make A Destiny 3?

I've been playing Destiny since it first dropped back in 2014 and I've played the game ever since. Just like any long term relationship, my relationship with Destiny has had its ups and downs. I used to really enjoy the PvP game modes, but now, not so much. Over the years I've felt the PvP has become far too unbalanced and I know others who echo that sentiment. 

Overall I've always enjoyed the storyline Destiny has put out, but some of the expansions were kind of boring, so I understand why people would make the argument that there doesn't need to be a Destiny 3 because the story is already hard to follow and doesn't make much sense, especially if you haven't invested as much time as other players have. 

Personally, I think the reason the story doesn't make sense to some people is because they haven't done the side quests of read the lore associated with items and questlines. I'm not going to pretend that I get that into the game, but I do know that there is a lot more to the story than the obvious trail of breadcrumbs the game designers left for players to complete the main questline. 

Gambit has always been a fun game mode to throw on when you just want to kill some time and get some experience points, but its definitely lost its appeal over the years because its become boring and repetitive. They don't have any new maps and there hasn't been much innovation in the mechanics of the gameplay to entice players to play and while it was a really good idea to repurpose the mechanics of gambit and incorporate them into the gameplay of various expansion storylines, it just wasn't enough. Once such example would be the season of the Splicer; but again, it just felt repetitive because it was the same hero, just new boots. (Dave Chappelle reference for anyone that didn't catch that.) 

I mention these things because they are all things that make me apprehensive about signing on for a Destiny 3. The prospect of a hard reset just to play the same game all over again just doesn't seem appealing, and I'll be honest, in recent years Destiny has taken up less and less of my gaming time because the cons have outweighed the pros with the biggest con being that you need to assemble a team of 6 people to take on the end game content and raids which makes the game boring when all you can do is the same easy stuff over and over again. 

The thing I would need in order to sign on for a Destiny 3 is some sort of character transfer. I understand that if Bungie decides to move forward with a Destiny 3 they may start from the ground up which means they may not be able to bring the characters and all of our acquired stuff to the new game, but there are solutions. 

For instance, let's say the light cap for the new game is 2000 and players all start at 1300, they could give players with an existing Destiny account an armor set and weapons that take the player level up to, say, 1800. Obviously this isn't a perfect, I was just spit balling an idea, but you get the idea. There needs to be something that entices those of us who aren't willing to give up 6 years worth of loot on the off chance that Destiny 3 might be different. 

 Alright, last thing and then I'm done. I've always felt that Destiny's campaign and PvP have equally suffered because whatever adjustments they make to the campaign they sort of have to do to PvP which leads to meta weapons, and then in turn, nerfed weapons. These sort of issues are common with games that try to do both. 

Now, I'm not suggesting that Bungie get rid of their PvP entirely, I just think it should be it's own game like Warzone or Fortnite. If Destiny 3 were to solely focus on the campaign, open worlds, gambit, and the extra things like the Dares of Eternity, I believe they can improve the overall experience of both PvE and PvP. 

I'm not against a Destiny 3, but I'm definitely going to need some serious enticement in order to make the investment because if all they are going to do is give the same game a shiny new engine, then I may as well find something else to play.


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