Johnny Depp is still one of my favorites


I have always been a huge Johnny Depp fan; to me the man is the epitome of cool. He has this swagger about him and I think for me when I watched Pirates of Caribbean for the first time it is when I really saw how cool he was. I mean, to be able to go from Edward Scissors hands to Jack the Pumpkin King to Jack Sparrow was just this awesome transformation through some of my favorite characters and then he was a freaking pirate! It's like how much cooler can this guy get?? You could almost go so far as to say I have a man crush on him. The dude is fashionable, trendy, a rock star, and a phenomenal actor, who doesn't have a crush on the man?? (You're a liar if you say you don't and I'll no discussion about it.) 

"Alright, but what does that have to do with anything???"

Right, glad you asked. I woke up this morning and I was lying in bed scrolling through my news feed when I saw an article about how the Animaniacs new season had a joke in there about Johnny Depp and that fans were mad about it.  

As you can see from the image, the joke has something to do with Johnny Depp and telling lies. Really? I loved the Aninamiacs and this is the shit they are pulling right out of the gate? I mean, I am all for joking but for anyone keeping up with the Johnny Depp situation like I am knows that it's nothing to joke about because things aren't as black and white as Amber Heard wants everyone to believe. It kind of set me off this morning on this whole rant about the situation. 

 Recap of the Situation

Alright so if you don't know, you're about to. The story starts with a movie called The Rum Diaries. Amber and Johnny met on set and got hitched sometime after the movie wrapped up. They were married for a bit before Amber filed for divorce from Depp and around the same time she wrote an op-ed piece about domestic abuse and about being a survivor. Though she didn't name Johnny specifically, everyone "knew" she was talking about him which drew the ire of the public. Not only would Johnny learn that he lost $650 million because his finance team screwed him, the whole time his wife is planning on divorcing him and then turns around to say he's an abuser thus causing him to lose more money due to the loss of movie roles.

At the time, I couldn't believe that someone I admired so much turned out to be the kind of human being I hate: an abuser. I was kind of heartbroken, but if it's true you have to do what's right and speak out against that kind of stuff and not give him a pass because he's famous or because I want to believe he didn't do it. Then he filed the lawsuit and it kind of made it worse in my mind because to me it was like the only reason he wanted to say she was lying was because it costed him money. I had the mindset for awhile and then the Amber Heard tapes were released and at first I was skeptical. I don't like abusers and I won't give one the benefit of the doubt, but then I heard the tapes. (Below is one of the tapes. Click the tweet to view the full thread on via Twitter.) 

Amber Heard Might Actually be the Monster 

As more and more information started to pour out from the situation, the picture starts to become a lot different. If listened to the tapes, Johnny Depp remains mostly calm through most of the interactions meanwhile Amber seems to be the one who gets upset because she can't seem to get a rise out of him. During those tapes she admits to throwing pots and pans at Johnny but also saying that during fights he's the one who always runs away. Amber also admits to hitting Depp but dismissing it as if it's okay because he has been in fights before and she didn't hurt him. Then there are articles were a make-up artists says that she didn't see any signs of abuse and she spent a good portion of the day with Amber in the day(s) after she was supposedly abused by Johnny. There are people that worked for them in their home that say Amber would numerous occasions act out or act violently toward Depp and most of Johnny's exes have publicly come out and said the allegations are way out of character for Johnny Depp and he was not that way at all. As more and more comes to light, the story becomes a lot more clear. 

My take

I've spent a lot of time reading and watching videos on the subject. If you're asking my opinion, it sounds like Johnny and Amber met on set of movie and fell in love. Soon after they were married, I think Johnny started to live his life and Amber didn't like that so she would lash out by starting verbal altercations which would then escalate to physical violence. By the sounds of it, it sounds like Amber was the aggressor in most of the situations. Johnny seems to always keep his cool in the audio recordings while Amber seems to lose her temper and I don't think it's because she is an emotional woman, I think she is pissed off because she can't get him to admit certain things on tape or that she can't get him to cop to being the one at fault. There are several instances where she dismisses his claims that she is the one to get violent as if it's okay behavior to hit someone or throw things. Johnny does admit to throwing something at her, although it is not known what, but only after she threw cans at him. Sounds let self defense to me, but more importantly, the picture seems to shift from him being the abuser to being the victim of abuse. To me, Amber displays all the classic signs of an abuser with the only difference being that this time we are having to examine whether a woman has abused a man. I am not saying Johnny Depp never hit Amber, but I am saying that it sounds like if he did do anything to her it was in response to being attacked. In one of the tapes Amber even goes to so far as to laugh and mock Johnny Depp for claiming he's a victim. She says stuff such as "who is going to believe you.." that's stuff abusers say to their victims to keep them from telling. 

In the end, Johnny Depp will always have my support. I don't know everything because I wasn't there, but I have heard and read enough to see that Amber Heard is a monster that has no remorse for tearing Johnny Depp's life apart just so she can keep her spot in the limelight. The man has kids and it's just sad that they have to deal with their dad being painted as an abuser not to mention all the work Johnny is losing because of this whole situation. 



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