Kevin Hart's gotta new special


I love stand-up comedy and Kevin Hart is one of my favorites, but last few specials kind of missed the mark for me. Don't get me wrong, I think he is a great stand-up comedian but his last few specials were kind of flat and while they were entertaining because it is after all Kevin Hart, they weren't as funny as some of his earlier stand-up specials. 

I can't say I was overly excited to hear that Kevin Hart had a new special on Netflix, but within the first few minutes of the special, I could this one was different. The first thing you can tell is that he is a lot more comfortable which he attributes to doing the show in his home versus some large venue. That smaller more imitate feel really helped his storying telling and confidence. In some of his prior shows I felt like he was trying too hard to retool some of his older jokes to make them a little bit more broad audience friendly but in this special he actually takes time to address the changing relationship between fans and artists of any kind and he does so in a very funny and Kevin Hart way. 

I've always loved that Kevin Hart draws a lot of his comedy from his every day life but in his past specials, I felt like some the jokes about his family life fell flat because instead of just talking about his family life, he was trying to write a joke that was funny and his family was the subject. In this one it felt more natural. He felt more like a father with hilarious stories to tell about raising his children versus that forced joke telling I mentioned before. 

Zero F**ks Given is probably one of Kevin Hart's best specials in a long time. I think the smaller venue suits him better and I would even love to continue seeing him do his specials from his home. I think he might really be on to something by keeping to that "welcome to my home I hope you like the show" feeling; It let's people and the fans see and feel a little bit more of his humanity and not just his celebrity. 


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