
Showing posts from April, 2021

Thunder Force on Netflix wasn't the Thunderous Force they Intended it to be

After my bike ride today I decided to chill out and watch something on Netflix. I had just gotten out of the shower and I figured I didn't have anything pressing to get done, so why not just pop something on and enjoy the rest of my morning.  After a few minutes of scrolling I landed on Thunder Force  and thought, "what hell." I like Melissa McCarthy; she was funny on Mike and Molly, she was hilarious with Sandra Bullock, and I can't recall anything that I have seen with Octavia Spencer that I thought was terrible, so I figured this movie might be good-- at the very least the movie would be funny. If you haven't seen the movie, I think this is probably a good point to tell you that the rest of this might contain some spoilers.  Anyway, the beginning of the movie starts with Octavia Spencer telling the story of how her parents died, she became friends with Melissa McCarthy, and her vow to make it possible for people to become super human. Why you ask? Because Octav

Gina Carano Shadow banned on Twitter

I was scrolling through my phone when I came across this article about Gina Carano being shadow banned from Twitter. I've been following this whole Gina Carano thing since back when she thumbed her nose at the LGBTQ community when they came after her for not putting her pronouns in her bio.  If you read that article, then you remember that I said I was on her side at very beginning because I felt that if she didn't care about people assuming her gender then why should she have to put her pronouns her bio? The only people who should be worried about being misidentified are the people who don't identify with their gender and don't want people assuming what they are, but where she lost me was when she put "beep/bop/boop" in her bio. I felt it was disrespectful for her to do such a thing because it actually means something to people, but it is her right to not co-sign.  She took it took far and I at that point I no longer cared for her, but not so much so that I f