Thunder Force on Netflix wasn't the Thunderous Force they Intended it to be

After my bike ride today I decided to chill out and watch something on Netflix. I had just gotten out of the shower and I figured I didn't have anything pressing to get done, so why not just pop something on and enjoy the rest of my morning. 

After a few minutes of scrolling I landed on Thunder Force and thought, "what hell." I like Melissa McCarthy; she was funny on Mike and Molly, she was hilarious with Sandra Bullock, and I can't recall anything that I have seen with Octavia Spencer that I thought was terrible, so I figured this movie might be good-- at the very least the movie would be funny. If you haven't seen the movie, I think this is probably a good point to tell you that the rest of this might contain some spoilers. 

Anyway, the beginning of the movie starts with Octavia Spencer telling the story of how her parents died, she became friends with Melissa McCarthy, and her vow to make it possible for people to become super human. Why you ask? Because Octavia's parents were killed by people with super human powers called Miscreants. Spencer and McCarthy have a falling out which then transitions the movie to McCarthy's character in the present day. She works construction and does really seem to have her life all that together. 

With their high school reunion coming up, McCarthy's character decides to check up on her old best friend to discover that she is rich and has a new building that just opened in the city. McCarthy meets up with her old friend, and in her classic slapstick fashion, makes a mess of things and finds herself injected with the serum to give a person super abilities. They argue about it, but ultimately they work it out leaving Spencer to take the capsules that will allow her to become invisible. 

McCarthy and Spencer train to hone their powers, they fight the bad guy and the movie ends. Now, I know I rushed that but I didn't want to run down the whole movie because you get the gist of it. If you're curious go watch it. Anyway, I won't say the movie was terrible, but it wasn't nearly as entertaining as I had hoped it would be. 

My first issue is with the movie itself; I couldn't really tell if they wanted it to be a comedy or if they wanted it to be an action movie. I know some people will say why can't it be both, but when you make a movie you have to know what it is. If it's a comedy that has some action then it's a comedy, but if it's more action with a little bit of comedy then it's an action movie. With this movie it wasn't very good on either front. I won't say I didn't laugh at all, but I can't name a specific scene in the movie that I thought was hilarious. I think if they had really focused more on the action or comedy and added a little of the other to what's left they would have had a better movie. 

Second issue was with the story. Whoever wrote it didn't do a very good job of hiding plot points or setting up punch lines very well. Case in point, there is one bad guy in the movie called "The Crab" and he goes on a date with Melissa McCarthy. While on this date McCarthy asks him about his backstory and as soon as she asked I knew he was going to say he got bitten on his junk. Sure enough, he tells the story and radioactive crab got a hold of his wiener and now he's part crab. It wasn't even funny and more than that, I saw it coming from a mile away. They could have made his backstory a little more original; I mean, like, what if he had eaten the crab on his honeymoon, or something like that, but again they were trying to make it funny and if that was the direction they were going to go they should have really run with just making a funny movie. 

Like I said, it wasn't the worst movie in the world and if you need something new to watch, go ahead and pop it on; see how you like it. Personally I think a lot of these movies on Netflix are just being produced because big names are being attached to them. Don't get wrong, Netflix has some quality original content, but it feels like some of these movies are just being pushed out for the sake of being pushed out. 


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