Gina Carano Shadow banned on Twitter

I was scrolling through my phone when I came across this article about Gina Carano being shadow banned from Twitter. I've been following this whole Gina Carano thing since back when she thumbed her nose at the LGBTQ community when they came after her for not putting her pronouns in her bio. 

If you read that article, then you remember that I said I was on her side at very beginning because I felt that if she didn't care about people assuming her gender then why should she have to put her pronouns her bio? The only people who should be worried about being misidentified are the people who don't identify with their gender and don't want people assuming what they are, but where she lost me was when she put "beep/bop/boop" in her bio. I felt it was disrespectful for her to do such a thing because it actually means something to people, but it is her right to not co-sign. 

She took it took far and I at that point I no longer cared for her, but not so much so that I felt like it was a big deal that she was on the Mandalorian. Then a bit later she starts tweeting, liking and retweeting things expressing anti-mask sentiment during the pandemic and followed that act up with her support of Trump. She was not quiet about the fact that she sided with Trump about the election being rigged-- a baseless claim many made, including Trump, and while the idea might have encouraged people to side with Trump, it also influenced people to not vote at all because if the election is rigged why vote? 

Everything Gina Carano tweeted, liked, and retweeted influenced people who follow her and that's a problem because Gina Carano had no facts to back any of her claims and while we do have freedom of speech, Twitter has a responsibility to make sure that people of influence aren't encouraging dangerous actions. 

I know a lot of people will say that just because Gina Carano said it doesn't mean people have to do it or listen to her, but people do. People will listen to Gina Carano because she is a person who is rich and seemingly successful; that being the case, most people just assume that rich people are smart or have some insight that the rest of don't have, but the truth is that Gina Carano knows nothing more about the Covid virus than I do, but people will listen to her over the experts because the experts don't command as much media attention as Gina and thus she validates so many people who follow her with the same mentality. 

I understand that we all just want to share our thoughts and opinions, but freedom of speech stops when you are using someone else's service, because some could argue that Twitter is directly responsible for a lot of that misinformation, racist sentiment and everything in between by not limiting those accounts, making sure that people know they have sensitive material, and shutting down those accounts that promote activities or ideas that are down right illegal like racism or pedophilia. 

Obviously Twitter will say it's doing all it can, but I with all the revenue they generate and all the advances they've had with the platform the truth is that they don't want to spend the money finding solutions to the issues because it would be too costly. 

Personally, I think it's great that Twitter is stepping up and doing a little more to help prevent things like

the Capitol Riots from happening again because I do partly blame social media for it happening. Allowing posts that said the election was rigged to be freely posted along with videos talking about a civil war coming if Biden wins and sure enough the Capitol was stormed and people are being brought up on charges. 

I know some people would like to argue that they were just talking, but look at what happened and then tell me that they were just talking. Some of them might have been full of it, but there were those that were gassed up enough to get shot the day after they posted on social media that the storm was coming and no one was going to stop them, but yet if someone is seemingly posting ideas that support terrorism they can be put on a watch list, or if someone Googles up how to make bombs too many times they can end up on a watch list. We have to stop letting people getting away with people of influence saying whatever they want just like we monitor people we suspect might be up to dangerous and nefarious things. 

At the end of the day, I know that I say a lot and I enjoy exercising my right to freedom of speech but at the same time, I put thought into the things I put out there, or at least I try to think it through as much as I can but there will always be people who get offended, by making sure I know what I am talking about; I don't just take the word of politicians who publicly state that no rational person would agree/believe what they said; I would much rather listen to an expert-- someone who has years of study on a subject and quote what they have to say about it. 


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