JaVale McGee and Justin Bieber Team Up to Make a Hit

We all remember that one time JaVale McGee missed that wide open dunk and everyone knows he’s got 3 championship rings (2 with the Warriors and 1 with the Lakers), so it’s safe to say we all know about his basketball career's highs and lows, but did you know he’s a Grammy nominated music producer as well?

Back in February of this year, JaVale McGee tweeted about a song he worked on with Justin Bieber. McGee helped write and produce the song ‘Available’ on Justin Bieber’s newest album Changes. McGee tweeted that 2020 is a year of growth and that it was a dream of his to be a music producer. Working with Justin Bieber isn’t his only dabble into the music business though.

Back in April 2018, McGee released his own album entitled Pierre and in that following September he let it be known that he was working with one of his teammates at the time, Lonzo Ball, on some other music. McGee has said that keeping his basketball life and his music life separate is hard because on the one hand you have people that are fans of him for his basketball skills but they might hear his music and not like it and it may dissuade them being from continuing to be a fan.

It’s a tough balance for sure. Back in the day Kobe Bryant wanted to make a gangster rap album and he asked famous rap artist LL Cool J what he thought of the move and LL spared no words. He told him that making a rap album could damage his public image. Ultimately Kobe only ended up preforming his single ‘K.O.B.E’ at a half-time show as the album never did release.

McGee’s music career, however, is having a lot more success. JaVale and Bieber were nominated for a Grammy pop vocal album, but the nomination wasn’t without a bit of controversy as Justin Bieber and may other celebrities voiced their displeasure with the award program. Specifically, Justin Bieber felt his album was in the wrong category and that it should have been in the R&B category not the Pop category. While Justin has had a lot of success in the Pop category over the years, he felt his most recent album was inspired by R&B and ultimately he wanted his newest album to reflect that.

McGee, however, wasn't shy about sharing his accomplishment to the world via Instagram and I don’t blame him. Not only can he brag about his 3 championship rings, he can now add Grammy nominated music producer to his already accomplished resume.

Check out the song Available now


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