McConaughey talks about Hollywood Hypocrisy over the 2020 Election

I like Matthew McConaughey. He seems like a good guy and he has been in several movies that I love, so his recent string of interviews have be really interesting and for the most part I haven't really heard him say anything to make me change my opinion of him.

His recent interview with Russell Brand was interesting and what really caught my attention was their conversation about politics, specifically the 2020 election. 

Brand makes a comment in which he says that he doesn't like to hear people say that others are stupid for voting for Brexit and Trump. To which McConaughey replies with his point of view about how it's hypocritical for people to expect Trump supporters to accept the results of the election when in 2016 people reacted much the same way when he won. 

Essentially the conversation gets to a point where McConaughey suggests that people should reframe their conversations about politics in order to find a way to meet in the middle. 

I didn't find anything overly concerning about the conversation, but one thing I thought was undervalued in the conversation was "fake news". McConaughey, at one point in the conversation, touched on the fact that people did buy into some of the fake news, and to me, I felt like if he knows that then why would he say people are being hypocritical? 

Where are you going with this? 

I'm glad you asked actually because I was beginning to ramble. It's important because McConaughey is saying that people are being hypocritical for being critical for not accepting the 2020 election results and to me if he knows that misinformation was being spread then he should take that into account before calling anyone a hypocrite. 

But why? 

Well, to start, McConaughey compared the 2016 election to the 2020 election and we are talking about a different set of circumstances. The last election it was proven that there were 13 Russians involved in a plot to influence political opinions via social media which may have very well lead to Trump winning and I say this because we all know that people spend large amounts of time on the internet and on social media apps, and when people read something they don't always go do the research to make sure it is accurate. The Russians know knew that and took full advantage of the situation by putting out information they knew to not be true and spreading it around because a post with a lot of likes/retweets/shares has to be 100% true. 

My next point stems from the fact that McConaughey even acknowledges that some people were fed so much misinformation that they don't know what to believe, but if he does believe that, why would people saying they should just accept reality are hypocrites? Most people just want Trump and his supporters to stop wasting time. No one is against a recount or investigation if the race was close or if there were allegations of foul play like the 2016 election, but the election wasn't even close and most of the people still hanging on to hope that Trump won are Trump supporters and theirs a huge difference between being a Trump Supporter and being a Republican or conservative. A lot of Republicans and Conservatives voted against Trump for whatever reason and just like everyone else, they want this portion of American history to hurry and be over so we can get back to making actual progress instead of going backward. 


Overall, my opinion of McConaughey hasn't changed. To me he sounds like a reasonable man with reasonable politics but I think it's a little foolish call people hypocrites for telling Trump Supporter to just accept the election results. I think his stance is fair, but in the end, American politics hasn't been about facts and policy for a long time and under Trump, especially as it pertains to the pandemic, misinformation was rampant and instead of calling people hypocrites, I felt that he could have kept the conversation about meeting in the middle when it comes to politics and how we can accomplish that. 


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