
Showing posts from May, 2021

Which Streaming Service is THE Best???

I read this article earlier today about streaming services, and the author had stated that in her opinion Disney+ and HBO Max were the best ones out there currently. I read the entire article, and honestly, I disagree and here's why. Streaming Services are great, but all are limited I disagree with her assessment because I don't think any of the streaming services are THE best. I think that each streaming service has it's merits, but all of them leave us wanting more. Netflix was the first streaming service I got and I loved it. Movies and TV shows on demand was everyone's dream and for a price under $10 per month, it was a value no one could pass up-- then came Hulu. At first I didn't have a very high opinion of Hulu because it was just television shows and a few a movies, but a few years after it came out I had an opportunity for a free trial and I did it which ultimately lead me to keeping the subscription.  The fact that I would watch my favorite tv shows on dem

Family is a 6 Letter Word Just Like Any Other

Family is a 6 letter word just like any other word, and I know that might sound callous to say, but it's the truth. If you look up the word family it has several definitions. The first definition on the Merriam-Webster website defines a family as parents and children, the next defines a family as a group living in the same household under one household head, and another defines family by bloodline. There are several other definitions of the word, but as you can clearly see from these three definitions alone, anyone can be family or become someone's family.  It's hard for many of us to reconcile this idea because we've all heard someone in life say something like "family is all we've got" or "family above everyone else", and based on that idea we elevate people to a status where we will tolerate a lot of crap because someone is family.  Case in point, we've all seen in the movies, on TV, or know someone in real life, that has a family member t

Weeding out Extremists in Law Enforcement Seems to be Meeting Roadblocks

  In the wake of police shootings and protests against police violence, the growing sentiment that law enforcement needs to be reformed is growing. Last month in Fresno, California, an officer was fired for a supporting the Proud Boys during a protest. A video surfaced of the officer which is what led to his dismissal from duty.  It's actions like these that proposed legislation would take should an officer be found to have extremists views or ties. States like California and Minnesota have proposed legislation that would call for more robust background checks that would include social media searches, and while in California an officer was removed from duty for showing support for the Proud Boys, some are saying that these rigorous background checks infringe upon a person's constitutional rights, especially the right to freedom of speech and religion.  Brian Marvel, president of the Peace Officers Research Association of California, said in a statement that the organization sup

I Finally Watched Dave and I've Gotta Say...

So, I finally watched Lil Dicky's show on FX Dave and I know I'm a little tardy to the party, but in my defense, there are tons of things out there to watch and I just got caught up. Seriously, I always planned on watching it, because I like his music and I think he's hilarious, so I figured the show would be too and I wasn't exactly wrong, but as good as the show was, it was equally as bad.  Let's talk about what I liked about the show... Alright, so off top, the show is hilarious. I think a really nice touch are the awkward interactions between the characters because they touch on real subjects. For instance, Dave meets a guy named Gata that eventually becomes his hype man, but when you learn about Gata's backstory he was diagnosed as bipolar and he kept it hidden from everyone. One episode he shows up to a rehearsal and he's low energy and out of it which is horrible for a hype man. The guys all start in on him when he reveals that he's bipolar. It wa

Banning Trans kids from Sports Is a Horrible Idea

I've been reading the news about transkids getting banned from sports. Whether it's legislation or ignorant chatter on the internet, people are talking about it, and personally, I think it's a horrible idea. As if life isn't hard enough for everyone, we're going to make even harder by banning transkids from doing what kids do: play.  It's a Knee Jerk reaction, but I understand the legitimate concern... I know a lot of people are quick to jump on the bandwagon that it shouldn't matter because it's just sports, and while I can agree with that, there is a point where I have to stand up and protect the sanctity of fair competition. Caitlyn Jenner came out the other day saying that we have to protect the girls, and while I get what she is saying, the truth is that we need to be protecting fair competition.  Half of the reason so many of us love sports is because it's a level playing field. Competition is fair because everyone is bound to the same set of r

Someone Needs to Knockout Jake Paul ASAP

I can't stand Jake Paul; in my opinion he's nothing, but a fake bully chasing checks. He surrounds himself with all these guys who do nothing but feed his ego and help him write checks his ass is only going to cash because he's picking on people he knows he can beat.  Consider Me Unimpressed I've never been impressed with either of the Paul Brothers. They just seem like stupid privileged kids that would do anything for attention and nothing was off limits, to the point where Logan actually caught some backlash for going into a forest in Japan looking for people who had killed themselves. Apparently this forest was known for people wandering out there and taking their own lives, so they had to go see for themselves. *Luckily* They were able to find a body that they had filmed and shared with their millions of viewers.  Of course there was a bullsh*t public apology, but all the situation did was draw more attention to them. A few years later, Logan got set to fight some Y