I Finally Watched Dave and I've Gotta Say...

So, I finally watched Lil Dicky's show on FX Dave and I know I'm a little tardy to the party, but in my defense, there are tons of things out there to watch and I just got caught up. Seriously, I always planned on watching it, because I like his music and I think he's hilarious, so I figured the show would be too and I wasn't exactly wrong, but as good as the show was, it was equally as bad. 

Let's talk about what I liked about the show...

Alright, so off top, the show is hilarious. I think a really nice touch are the awkward interactions between the characters because they touch on real subjects. For instance, Dave meets a guy named Gata that eventually becomes his hype man, but when you learn about Gata's backstory he was diagnosed as bipolar and he kept it hidden from everyone. One episode he shows up to a rehearsal and he's low energy and out of it which is horrible for a hype man. The guys all start in on him when he reveals that he's bipolar. It was an extremely awkward moment for the characters because it was so real and raw, but they way they handled the response to the reveal was amazing and nothing short of loving and accepting of their friend. 

It's those kinds of situations that I really appreciate from the show because far too often we're afraid to let people see who we really are and Dave is all about embracing who you are as an individual and pushing yourself to be the best version of yourself. That theme is evident throughout the entire show, and I really like that it wasn't always about Dave necessarily. There were episodes where other characters experienced their own growth by doing something they never thought they could or would do. 

Case in point, one of Dave's friends is also his sound engineer named, Elz. Elz is talented and works for a studio. He helps make music for artists, but he never has enough courage to share his beats with some of the artists he works with. It's not until he finally gets the courage to share his beats with Trippy Red and Trippy ends up liking a beat that he gets more confidence in himself. He ultimately ends up telling Dave that he will be going on tour with Trippy Red. 

I already mentioned the show was hilarious, and I think that's what really makes the show work; Dave's humor. I think without his brand of humor the show is just over-the-top and gross, but the way he uses that crude humor to make uncomfortable subjects hilarious is what makes it tolerable because we all have weird things, weird thoughts, and insecurities. Overall the show is relatable because Dave's humor and style of storytelling make viewers feel like they are part of the gang and accepted for whatever weird thing they've got going on. 

Here's what I didn't like...

I know I said Dave's brand of humor really helps the crudeness of the show stay tolerable, but sometimes the jokes miss and it just makes the show gross and predictable. Case in point, Dave is always making jokes about his small disgust dick and I get why it's funny, but at the same time I don't think there was an episode where we didn't have to hear about it. It became this gross discussion at times that I didn't even really care to hear so I would check out by playing on my phone or something and then by the time I got back to watching, I would have missed something, and honestly, the show wasn't that good to actually stop, rewind, and find out what little bit I missed. 

His dick is probably the biggest running joke on the show which makes it almost predictable. There was one scene where Dave tells his friends that his girlfriend has never seen his dick. At that point I knew there was going to be some reveal and it was going to be embarrassing for him. Then there was the sex toy that he had; they actually show a scene where he is banging the thing, and honestly, I get why they thought they had to show it, but I knew that it would come back around to set up an embarrassing moment for him. The dick reveal and the sex toy were discovered in the same embarrassing moment. 

His girlfriend asks him to hurry up in the bathroom and he is trying to hide the toy because he thought she was asleep. He shoves it in the shower, she goes to the bathroom, and the toy falls out of the shower. She is obviously weirded out by it, starts questioning him and that's when he reveals to her the truth about his weird dick. 

I wasn't shocked, I didn't laugh, and if I'm being honest, it was a poorly setup and executed joke. Like I said, his dick is the biggest running joke on the show and I understand insecurities in the relationship helped bring another level of depth to the character growth, but what ruined it was the over-the-top nature of the setup. From talking too much about his dick to showing him actually banging the sex toy, it took the joke to a place where it just wasn't funny. I will say that I did like the level of intimacy between the characters because it really did all come to an honest place where he was able to overcome that insecurity when she asked to see it, but that's pretty much the only thing I got from it and even that was ruined by the over-the-top setup and execution. 


I think it's a decent show. It's funny and the writing is pretty good, but sometimes the over-the-top nature of the jokes don't land and it takes away from the momentum of the story. I think the characters are all on brand for Lil Dicky's sense of humor, and I like that they all have real backstories and connections that make the story more relatable to the average person. It's definitely worth watching, but I wouldn't tell anyone to go out of their way to do so. 


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