
Showing posts from October, 2023

Update for my Loyalists

I feel bad that I didn't do a podcast episode last week and feel bad that I don't feel like doing one this week. To be honest, every time I skip a podcast episode I left myself down more than anyone, but I think right now I'm going to put them on hold until I find another job, or get some money. It's hard to keep motivated when I'm stressing about money and trying to find a job. I wish I had the support and freedom to just focus on making my media company a success, but when you don't have money to eat it takes away from your focus.  I'm not sleeping well at night because my problems keep me up. Sometimes I'll stay up until I literally pass out and I know that's not good. I know that it's a sign that I'm depressed. I try to wake up every day and pretend everything is alright and I'm alright, but I'm not.  Everyday it's a struggle to keep my wits about me. I woke up one morning recently, went out side, found a huge stick, and slamm

I'm tired of people telling me what I need to do, but not willing to help me do it.

I'm tired of people telling me what I need to do, but not willing to help me do it.  I live in, literally, the middle of God's green no where right now and I don't have a car.  Each time I've saved up money to get myself a car something happens.  For instance, I was up about $5k when the pandemic happened and I was just about to pull the trigger on getting a car, but at the time people were getting laid off and business was slowing down.  I figured it would be mighty stupid of me to take on this rather large financial obligation knowing that there's a chance I could be laid off.  Sure as shit, a month later, I was laid off. I wasn't at any great loss for not having a car at the time because I was living in NC and could walk, bike, or Uber/Lyft wherever I needed to go.  It sucked not having a car and having to walk places, but I swallowed my pride and did what I needed to do to make it.  Here, I can't walk anywhere. I can't Uber anywhere, so me getting a

Perennial Disappoints: The Giants Struggles Continue

The Giants played the Seahawks last night and I know it's still relatively early in the season, but I don't see things turning around, especially with Daniel Jones at the helm.  I've been vocal about the fact that I've been wildly unimpressed with Daniel Jones since I first heard his name. People have said to me, "Hey, you should give him a chance. The Giants need a better this...or that...".  Sure, okay, I'll take a beat and watch it all unfold.  Fast Forward to now: Here we are all these years later and I'm still not impressed with Daniel Jones and I'll even go so far as to say that I'm shocked the Giants gave him that huge contract extension.  Right now, the Giants are 1 - 3 and dead last in the NFC East. Through 4 games, the Giants have scored 46 points while allowing 122. Last night against the Seahawks, Jones threw for 203 yards and threw 2 interceptions; one of which was a pick six.  The Giants offense is stale. Jones is currently ranke