Modern Warfare 3 Has Been Disappointing

I've been playing Call of Duty for a long time and I love the franchise, but I've got to say that Modern Warfare 3 has been a disappointment. 

I was really hyped that they were going to continue the story from the original story line, so I preordered the game. That's how hyped I was. I don't often pre-order games because I like to wait to see what people say about it before I spend the money. 

For those unaware, if you pre-ordered the game you would get early access to the multiplayer and campaign. The multiplayer beta was just for a weekend, however, early access to the campaign would go until the full release of the game starting November 9th. 

The multiplayer was fun and I didn't have too many complaints about it. It felt reminiscent of the early game, especially because they brought back some of our favorite maps. I'm not going to say that loved the map Rust, but it does bring back memories. 

My friends and I played as much as we were able to. It was a lot of fun, so naturally, my enthusiasm for the game grew, but wouldn't survive the end of the campaign. It's not that I didn't like the story, I just didn't care for the open world set up of some of the missions. 

It was kind of like playing DMZ except we have to complete the missions to exfil to the next level, which, was bad, but I didn't feel compelled to complete the mission. Having an unlimited amount of time to complete the objectives wasn't very challenging. Yes, there was a part of one mission where it had a timer, but for the most part you could spend as long as you want skulking around the maps to find the caches. 

I didn't care for it and I know some people that like playing DMZ might like it, but to me it didn't add anything to the story, if anything, it took away from it. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say the reason they threw a campaign skin on DMZ is because it was the fastest way to get the game released on time. 

The game wasn't originally supposed to be released until next year, but the powers that be decided it would be better to release it right before the end of the year. I think it was a poor decision that could ultimately cost them in the long run. The reviews are out, and so far, they aren't good. 

A lot of people are disappointed with the game so far and are hoping that the modes we have yet to play make up for what the campaign lacked and some of the complaints with multiplayer. I'm not saying the game isn't worth playing or buying, but maybe do some research and talk to some folks before pulling the trigger on the purchase. Maybe wait until you can catch it on sale-- which might happen sooner rather than later. 


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