
Showing posts from July, 2020

Stone cold liar

So he didn't say it, huh? Seriously? That's the best he could come up with? Just blatantly lie? ... — Tig AkA Tiggro the Amigo (@TiggroAmigo) July 21, 2020 Roger Stone was sentence to prison for lying. Trump pardoned his sentence and now Roger is back at it again. He was doing an interview and during the interview he was asked some questions that seemed to strike a nerve to which Roger appears to respond with," I am not gonna argue with this negro..." or at least that what myself and a bunch of other people heard but apparently this is not true. According to Roger that word doesn't line up with his politics and his beliefs. He is appalled and will hire a forensic examiner to prove that tape was fake and he did not say that word. First, if he was going to lie he should have said the whole interview was fake and not just him saying that one word, but I understand why he couldn't say that he didn't do the interview because the

Loathsome Behavior

This is the kinda thread that makes me 100% sure that I'm okay with some beating and torturing to death anyone who thinks this kind of behavior is okay. — Tig AkA Tiggro the Amigo (@TiggroAmigo) July 22, 2020 Reading this absolutely made my skin crawl. I am a grown man and it makes me uncomfortable to think about someone following me let alone someone actually following me, so to read that this monster is purposely following people with the intent to scare them with this psychological torture, it just makes me angry and people like this need to be seriously looked at because it's only a matter of time before this monster decides that scaring them just isn't enough and even if they aren't actually doing anything, they could be enticing others to do stuff so they can talk about it in some private chat room later. People are disgusting and this stuff needs to be dealt with swiftly and harshly. I can't say what I would do if I were the one t

If walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..he just might be corrupt

Shit like this is what's actually killing the economy. Politicians being paid more than they are worth and taking more than they deserve. Are we sure Matt Gaetz isn't a son of Trump? — Tig AkA Tiggro the Amigo (@TiggroAmigo) July 22, 2020 I don't like into feed gossip or stir the pot, but one thing is clear about Matt Gaetz: He's corrupt. He has a history of getting away with shady things and he is a prime example of what is wrong with America and it's politicians. For those of you who don't know, Matt Gaetz comes from a rich powerful family from Florida, and as most of us would probably imagine, he didn't have that hard of a life growing up. Parents getting him anything he wanted whenever he wanted. I won't pretend to know what life he had or that his parents spoiled him but as a 38 year old politician that acts the way he does, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that he was spoiled. You don't really have to work all

What does 2A mean to you?

When they wrote this Amendment, the state's didn't have a national guard, thus it was up to the people to protect the state's freedom. Today we have a national guard which can serve federal purposes or state purposes and that's what is supposed to be used when the state's freedom is being challenged. Our elected state officials should represent our interests as a state and it is the federal government's job to make sure the states aren't overreaching with their power in governing its people. Conversely, the state is supposed to protect us from the federal government should they overreach with their power. Being that this is my understanding, the issue with the second amendment isn't whether the states' have a militia and whether the people have the right to bear arms, but rather whether the the state government or president has supreme authority over the national guard and what I mean by that is, where does the president's authority to comma

Dr. Disrespect Breaks his silence

I love gaming and I do spend a lot of time on social media but I have no idea who some of these popular gaming streamers are, but when I saw that Dr. Disrespect had got banned from Twitch I was intrigued.  For those of you who don't know, I only know because I am nosy and had to find out more, Dr. Disrespect is a gamer and streamer that is quite famous in those circles. He is known for his abrasive humor and attitude, hence the name, Dr. Disrespect. Twitch was his main platform and he, along with a few other well known streamers, helped bring Twitch to its current popularity.  About 3 weeks ago now, Twitch issues a permanent ban on Dr. Disrespect's account and he was not given notice as to why but they did issue a statement that goes as follows:  “As is our process, we take appropriate action when we have evidence that a streamer has acted in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service,” Twitch said. “These apply to all streamers regardless of status

Ivanka on Jobs: "Have you tried getting one?? or maybe getting a new one?"

This is probably the hardest job she has ever had. Ivanka, in her infinite wisdom, decided to bestow upon those of us that got laid off some advice:  "Find Something New..." Well, Ivanka, while that sounds easy enough it is far more complicated than just "finding something new". Typical response for someone that has never had to work for anything or actually look for a job because she is white, some would say she is attractive, and her father is filthy rich. How hard could her life have really been in a country the praises the ultra rich and condemns those who were born without a silver spoon in their mouth?  What someone like Ivanka doesn't understand is that getting a job is hard enough as it is. With the job seeking market being saturated with people holding degrees, the competition for jobs is tough especially if you chose to forgo college. Couple that with the fact that it takes the average American between 9-11 weeks to find a job and the

"What about our Stimulus Checks?"...We'll wait and see

Mitch McConnell and Co. are taking the "wait and see approach" before signing a new deal for the stimulus package. Their reasoning for this is that they want to see how effective the first round of checks were before spending another large amount of money partly because the amount of money is discouraging people from going back to work.  I find several things wrong with this logic and if you'll take a moment to indulge me maybe it I might a little bit of sense to you.  Job growth and Status of the economy Republicans keep talking about how the stimulus package and unemployment have discouraged people from going back to work because they are making more on unemployment, but at the same time they are saying there is job growth and the economy is looking better. All of this logic is flawed because the economy wasn't doing well before the shutdown and when the government passed the first stimulus package people that got laid off got more income and those that w

Tucker Carlson "addresses" a man called "Blake Neff's" resignation

Tucker Carlson is one of my least favorite people on the planet and I am not quiet about that fact, so I am not the least bit surprised that his top writer has been found out to be a racist and misogynist because more often than not I get that vibe from his show especially as of late.  Being that this news broke over the weekend I couldn't wait to hear what Tucker and the crew would offer up in the way of condemnation of the man called Blake Neff's actions and they didn't disappoint.  I watched the video and this is what I got from it:  1) He starts off the video by distancing himself from Neff by making it sound like the guy just happens to work there. He tries to accomplish this by using the phrase "a man called Blake Neff..." that phrase suggests unfamiliarity and in this case that isn't true considering he has worked for the show and is considered the top writer, and Carlson himself reads all his first drafts not to mention the fact

Religious Context

I grew up in the church; my mom made us go basically any time the doors were open for us to go. As a small child I would listen to the stories as if they were just stories, but as I got older, I started making connections and asking questions which really began to make me question whether I bought into the whole idea of God and religion. One of the first things I remember questioning seriously was the gentleman's bet between God and the Devil in regards to Job. For anyone that doesn't know the story, God and the Devil were having a conversation in which the Devil was basically goading him into letting him try and shake Job's faith. God told the Devil that there was no way Job would renounce his faith, but God being the all knowing and all powerful being that it is, decided to let the Devil try and get Job to renounce his faith. The Devil took everything from Job including his health and in the end Job, sure enough, never renounced his faith. The reason that was the fi

Carlson's Top Incel/Racist...I mean writer resigns

Blake Neff, Tucker Carlson's top writer, resigned when it was discovered that he posted racist and misogynistic comments anonymously online. Apparently he attributes black people playing Call of Duty to the drop in crime, he wouldn't get Lasik from a black doctor, and he apparently shared personal information of a girl that dumped him and encouraged others to harass her. To be honest, I am not surprised Tucker's top writer turned out to be an incel and a racist because Tucker seems like he encourages that kind of behavior in the first place which is why he is so comfortable being on television spouting off all that B.S. with all the racist undertones. I can honestly say that I have never seen an episode of  Carlson's show that didn't make my skin crawl and it makes perfect sense as to why now. The real question here is: how many more people like him are hiding behind the anonymity of the internet saying horrible stuff like this guy?  

Biden isn't the Answer

Trump is a terrible president and will probably go down as the worst president in American history, but with that being said, I don't think Joe Biden is the answer. In my mind, the only reason Joe Biden is even the front runner is because Elizabeth Warren said she was going to tax rich people and Bernie Sanders is too much of an idealist for most people to take seriously, thus, Joe is the next best thing.  Joe Biden seems likes a good man but he is 77 years old and he's a politician which means he knows exactly what to say so people like him regardless of his answer. One such example of this is his stance on Marijuana. Joe is not for the legalization of marijuana but rather he wants to take the state's right approach and move it from a schedule I drug to a lower schedule. He claims that he needs to see more scientific evidence to prove it doesn't have harmful psychological or health effects on adults and teens and not because he grew up during the reefer madnes