"What about our Stimulus Checks?"...We'll wait and see

Mitch McConnell and Co. are taking the "wait and see approach" before signing a new deal for the stimulus package. Their reasoning for this is that they want to see how effective the first round of checks were before spending another large amount of money partly because the amount of money is discouraging people from going back to work. 

I find several things wrong with this logic and if you'll take a moment to indulge me maybe it I might a little bit of sense to you. 

Job growth and Status of the economy

Republicans keep talking about how the stimulus package and unemployment have discouraged people from going back to work because they are making more on unemployment, but at the same time they are saying there is job growth and the economy is looking better. All of this logic is flawed because the economy wasn't doing well before the shutdown and when the government passed the first stimulus package people that got laid off got more income and those that were still employed got a stimulus check thus the economy would grow in certain areas. People would be trapped inside and having extra money they would order out a little more, order some new clothes online, and whatever else people spent the money on which did in fact help the economy but not in the way it should have. 

The stimulus package should have been a bridge for the 3 months of lock down for those that got laid off but instead it was a ladder into a new income level that many didn't have prior to the shutdown. Had the government been on top of keeping minimum wage at a level that made sure people would always have a minimum amount of income to pay for rent and other bills, the stimulus package wouldn't have encouraged people to stay home instead of going back to work. No matter what they do at this point, unless they increase minimum wage the economy will take longer to rebound because as soon as all this passes and people start going back to that lower income we will see a slight decrease in the economy with a big portion of that being due to the fact that people will still be trying to find jobs. 

They keep talking about "job growth" but how is it job growth if people are going back to work? Some jobs didn't go away they were just waiting for the okay to bring people back but some jobs did go away permanently which is the perfect mix to make it seem like people are going back to work but when someone who was making more than what is being paid by the stimulus package is paying, they would have needed to go back to work and with that being the case they would need two jobs. Are the republicans taking that fact into account? Or how about the simple fact that people are displaced and there are a lot of highly qualified candidates currently needing to get back to work which makes it better for employers so all those high caliber candidates are going to take what jobs are available which means all that "job growth" they are talking about is basically just people going out and getting the same jobs that were available before and no new jobs are being created. 

Essentially they want to wait and see because they want to try forcing schools open to take away that excuse for people not going back to work and they want to force people back to work because they don't want to pass another huge stimulus package. 

What should be done?

I think they need to sign the stimulus package and get that done and over with. They know they will have to and the games are just petty and stupid. Sign the stimulus package and save the economy while the country recovers from the pandemic and after that start looking to fix the wage gap in this country and the unemployment system as a whole in order to make sure that at any point when people get laid off they are taken care of until they find sufficient employment and not be enticed to sit around and collect a check for doing nothing...which is what we should be doing right now because it is a pandemic so please be considerate; wear a mask, stay inside and keep in groups under 10. 


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