Dr. Disrespect Breaks his silence

The 2019 ESPYs - Red Carpet
I love gaming and I do spend a lot of time on social media but I have no idea who some of these popular gaming streamers are, but when I saw that Dr. Disrespect had got banned from Twitch I was intrigued. 

For those of you who don't know, I only know because I am nosy and had to find out more, Dr. Disrespect is a gamer and streamer that is quite famous in those circles. He is known for his abrasive humor and attitude, hence the name, Dr. Disrespect. Twitch was his main platform and he, along with a few other well known streamers, helped bring Twitch to its current popularity. 

About 3 weeks ago now, Twitch issues a permanent ban on Dr. Disrespect's account and he was not given notice as to why but they did issue a statement that goes as follows: 
“As is our process, we take appropriate action when we have evidence that a streamer has acted in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service,” Twitch said. “These apply to all streamers regardless of status or prominence in the community.”
Since then, Dr. Disrespect and Twitch have both been relatively quiet but the rumor mill is steady churning. This morning Dr. Disrespect did an interview which did not offer much more information but definitely gave a big clue as to what is going on. 

In the three weeks since the ban, there has been speculation about what he was banned for but one thing that is clear based on the message Twitch issued he violated one of their policies and normally when someone gets banned from a site they raise a fuss on social media but Dr. Disrespect did the opposite. He gave one tweet and has been silent regarding the matter until this interview. One theory is that there is some legal issue here but people aren't sure what. One thing we can say for sure is that it is no small matter and what makes that apparent is the silence surrounding the matter. Dr. Disrespect confirmed this today in the interview when he said that there are "some legal things" going on and he doesn't want to comment too early. 

At this point there are two plausible theories here but both theories him involve being investigated:

The first theory is that he is being investigated for a serious crime. One insider said that the Twitch ban was "outside of the normal protocols" which could mean that his account was closed so that there isn't any activity on it so investigators can find whatever information they are looking for. I wouldn't doubt this theory because on the day of his last stream near the end as he is signing off he seems a little out of sorts and says "ah..fuck". He seems a little distracted at this point. All the silence regarding this could be to keep the investigation out of the hands of public. 

The second theory is that Dr. Disrespect and a few other notable streamers were thinking about leaving Twitch and joining their own streaming service. If this turns out to be the case, the silence could be just to keep the publicity from getting wind of it because if it got out that a few of Twitch's top streamers are thinking of moving on that would hurt Twitch and if I am not mistaken, they all have contracts with Twitch and while I don't know all the details, I can't imagine that Twitch doesn't have them under contract for at least a certain time period and if those streamers were thinking of leaving it could be Twitch looking into a breech of contract; should that be the case. 

Whatever the case, the matter is a serious one and all the silence surrounding the issue only serves to highlight that fact. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. 


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