What does 2A mean to you?

Guest view: Defending the 2nd Amendment | Columnists ...
When they wrote this Amendment, the state's didn't have a national guard, thus it was up to the people to protect the state's freedom. Today we have a national guard which can serve federal purposes or state purposes and that's what is supposed to be used when the state's freedom is being challenged. Our elected state officials should represent our interests as a state and it is the federal government's job to make sure the states aren't overreaching with their power in governing its people. Conversely, the state is supposed to protect us from the federal government should they overreach with their power. Being that this is my understanding, the issue with the second amendment isn't whether the states' have a militia and whether the people have the right to bear arms, but rather whether the the state government or president has supreme authority over the national guard and what I mean by that is, where does the president's authority to command the national guard start and end. In my mind, if the Governor is not in concert with the president then the state's government authority should be held supreme in the matter which would uphold our military protection from the federal government. With this being my understanding, I see no need to go an purchase a gun in case I have to join the militia and fight the state or federal government and even if I get drafted, they have enough money to issue me a weapon to use. 

I am not against guns, I just don't see the logical need for one in a society that has a uniformed police force on the state, city and town levels, federal law enforcement, a national guard, and a national military; all people that carry guns who are meant to protect us. I am not naïve and I know that most times the cops are called it's after something has happened, so they can't stop me from being robbed but they can try and find the guys who did it, so I agree that people should be allowed to carry protection but the average person doesn't need a gun to stop someone from beating you up if you know how to fight and/or carry personal protection like a knife, club, brass knuckles, or anything else that can help you get the edge on an attacker but the reason most people feel they need a gun is because in this country everyone has one. 

Point blank and in a sentence, I am not against guns, I just don't see the need for them because people were protecting themselves for years just fine without them and it wasn't until the advent of guns that the body count a single individual could rack up started to increase, and let's be honest, if the state and federal government decide to turn on the people of this country there's no militia that will stop drone strikes and military vehicles. 


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