If walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..he just might be corrupt

I don't like into feed gossip or stir the pot, but one thing is clear about Matt Gaetz: He's corrupt. He has a history of getting away with shady things and he is a prime example of what is wrong with America and it's politicians.

For those of you who don't know, Matt Gaetz comes from a rich powerful family from Florida, and as most of us would probably imagine, he didn't have that hard of a life growing up. Parents getting him anything he wanted whenever he wanted. I won't pretend to know what life he had or that his parents spoiled him but as a 38 year old politician that acts the way he does, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that he was spoiled. You don't really have to work all that hard when daddy is rich; all you really have to be is useful and you'll always have money and a job. Matt does just that. He follows in daddy's footsteps on his way to becoming a great politician, but in 2008 there's trouble.

Image result for matt gaetz mugMatt, after a night out of fun, is driving home and he is speeding. He gets pulled over fumbles with his license, has bloodshot eyes, and smells of alcohol but denies he has had anything to drink. Then recants his statement and somewhere along the way is staggering and generally presenting like maybe two beers might not have been "two beers". Matt, the eager law student, exercises his right to not do any field sobriety tests and declines a breath test. Matt is taken to jail on suspicion of DUI. The weeks following Gaetz's arrest, the officer that arrested him "resigned" due to allegations of excessive use of force and the charges were dropped against Gaetz.

Here's what I think really happened:

Matt got drunk and drove home. He was speeding and got pulled over. He lied to the cop about drinking but then quickly changed his story because it wouldn't look good if the cop ends up taking him to jail and he is claiming he had nothing to drink but everyone there can clearly smell alcohol. Being a law student he knows that if he asks to takes any field sobriety tests they can use that as evidence to prove he was intoxicated, thus he declines both so there is no documentation that he had actually had more that two beers and that he was over the legal limit. He knew at the very worst he'd have to spend the night in jail and if it did go to trial he could fight it by saying that the has allergies that's why his were eyes bloodshot, he smelled of alcohol because he had two beers and at the very most he may have been going a little over the speed limit but he will maintain that he wasn't drunk and the prosecution will have next to no evidence (no field sobriety test on the dash cam and no breath test recorded) so they will have to let him off with a speeding ticket. Matt wouldn't need to go through any of this anyway because his father was a politician and had connections. I think his father had something to do with the cop "resigning". Wouldn't be hard for Don Gaetz to make a few phone calls regarding the officer that arrested his golden boy, get some information and coerce that person to "do the right thing".

That's what I believe happened. I thought that the first time I heard the story; when more and more things like the above article from Politico come out, the more I am sure that that is exactly how that situation played out and that the only reason these people are trying "smear" his name is because his name should be smeared. He is a man that is showing to have a track record of disregarding the rules because rich assholes like him have been paying to skirt them for years and so when they get into office they feel even more emboldened because they have the approval of the people and the power of influence to wield. Matt Gaetz and all the politicians like him are what's wrong with the American government and why we desperately need to hold these people accountable for the things they say and do. If Matt is using tax payer dollars and it's illegal, then it should be brought up on embezzlement charges. If Matt is cutting backdoor deals with personal friends and giving them payouts that are illegal, then he need be charged with corruption. They have rules in place to prevent politicians from even seeming like they are corrupt because the only reason this should be a head line is because he is being brought up on charges not because it seems a little unethical. Our politicians need to held to a higher standard and they need to be held accountable when they undermine those high standards with any form of corruption and before anyone gets the idea that we should treat them like Gods, I am just saying that we can't have someone that has sketchy shit like this coming out of the woodwork. We have to do a better job of find the good people out there who will do right by the people and not take advantage of their office and it's power.


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