A Few Words About Being Vulnerable

Putting yourself out there is a tough thing to do and I don't care who it is that we're talking about. Even some of the most seemingly secure people in the world have their insecurities, fears, and doubts. 

It's hard because being vulnerable isn't easy especially when it comes to strangers. For instance, the first date is always a make or break because if one, or both people, don't make a move to put themselves out there enough for the other person to get interested and want a second date then it's on the next. 

A lot of people like to think it's easy to put yourself out there because they might claim to do it all the time, but the truth is that no matter how sociable someone may seem, there's always something they don't want the general masses to know for fear of being judged. 

The best way to look at putting yourself out there is to acknowledge that no matter what you do or say, the bigger the audience, the bigger the chance is that someone will not like you for whatever reason. No one will get everyone to like them because we're all different people. For instance, the President of the United States never gets a 100% approval rating because almost half of the people in the country voted for the other guy. 

That's why it's important to stay grounded in the people who do like you because if you sit and worry about all those who don't, or might not like you, it'll be a hard life full of anxiety and worry. No one wants to live like that and if you're not aspiring to be famous then you really shouldn't worry about the nay-sayers at all because at the end of the day your career doesn't hinge upon whether or not the general public likes you. 

I know these are all just words strung together with no real guidance on how to achieve the goal of being able to put yourself out there more, but that's because I can't tell you how to change your specific situation. Things that I do may not work for other people and that's why the best I can offer up is a point of view to consider. How you get to that point of view, or one that allows you to best get over those anxieties is a path that you have to explore and discover for yourself. 

Nothing is one size fits all, which is why some diets work for some people and some don't work for others. It's up to you to figure out what works for you and what doesn't. If you need to find professional help, then do it. There's nothing wrong with getting help and if anyone tells you otherwise, then they may not be as well adjusted as they think they are and should be ignored. Don't let anyone stop you from being the best version of yourself; not even the person in the mirror. 


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