People are either full of Sh!t or Hypocrites

One thing I have realized of over the years is that most people are full of shit of are hypocrites-- myself included and that's not to say that I just walk around talking out of my ass; I just mean to say that sometimes we say things with considering the other side or how we would feel if someone were doing something similar to us. 

You Can't Censor me! I have rights!

One of the biggest crazes today is to say something and then get mad when someone opposes your view or calls it hate speech. When the pandemic started to get really serious here in America the medical community hadn't been unified on the effective on whether people should wear masks or not. Even Dr. Drew was on the side of the pandemic not being that serious and it wasn't until fairly recently that he came out and apologized for helping spread the misinformation. 

As the medical community started to rally around the mask wearing mandates social media sites aimed to help by stopping the spread of misinformation regarding the virus. In doing so this made a lot of people mad because they felt that they were being censored but really all that was happening was social media was trying to remove all information that wasn't verified by the medical community. 

As more and more tweets are hit with fact check labels and some taken down all together people started saying they are having their freedom of speech taken away and that's not the case either. Twitter can't take away your right to free speech because even if they ban you from Twitter you can still create a website, a blog, a podcast, after work club, or any other such thing where you can meet with people to share your message and that's what people have forgotten. 

People want to rely on social media because it's the easier route. It's an already established link to millions of users whereas any of that other stuff I mentioned takes time to establish. That being the case people flock to social media sites and sign up for accounts not reading the fine print or even understanding that Twitter is under no obligation to let you use their free service. As long as you follow their rules and guidelines you will be granted access to their product and they have the legal right to remove anyone they want as long as the reason doesn't break any federal or state anti-discrimination laws. Businesses put up signs all the time saying "No shoes, no shirt, no service" all the time and Twitter banning and suspending people for violating their rules and terms of service is no different. 

Social media should 100% be monitoring for hate speech and misinformation because people will believe anything as long as someone in a position of authority says and it's up to the people who run these sites to make sure they aren't just sitting idly by anymore while people intentionally create accounts with the sole purpose of spreading information they know to be false or things we all would commonly agree are hate speech. 

The Crusade against the LGBTQ Community

Remember earlier when I said I was full shit too? Well this is one of those situations I was talking about. I grew up in the church and for my life up to that point I was taught that being gay was a sin because it went against God's law. As I got older and started to question whether or not I actually believed in God I started to drift away from the church. 

The further I got away from church and stripped God's law from things I started to see the world differently because I wasn't bound to a set of rules I didn't understand. I was starting to see the world for what it actually was and not what the church said it should be. After awhile I had adopted the idea that being gay was a choice because we all have our sexual kinks and we chose whether to act on them or not. 

Now all these years later the way I see it vastly different. I think gender roles have played a negative impact on our society because we programmed people to believe that real men don't do this and women don't do that. We've places all the rules and constructs on people just wanting to exist which then causes people to over correct. The way I see it is simple you're born a man or woman at birth neither of which dictates who you love or what you wear. I don't think anyone needs to be transsexual to be who they are. I think they just need to stop subscribing to the world's fucked up view of what men and women are and just own it. If you're a man that loves being pretty and blowing dudes, that doesn't make you a woman, it makes you a man that loves being pretty and blowing dudes. Conversely, ladies if you love being handsome and walking around looking like king ding-a-ling and munching box it doesn't make you man, tomboy, or anything other than a woman who likes to be handsome. 

Now I am not saying I don't think trans people don't belong or aren't real people, I just think gender roles have got everyone believing that if a man wants to be pretty he has got to be gay, crossdressing, or trans and I wish that more people would understand that because I feel like a lot more people would be happier in their skin if they weren't looking at the opposite sex going, "I wish I could do that." but not being able to because they have a penis or a vagina. 

Again, I am not saying that will eliminate trans people or make them realize they are wrong. I think they deserve to be happy just as much as anyone else who undertakes any body modification to be happy and live their best life and that includes anything from tats to breast implants. If you weren't born with it and doctors had to add it I consider it a body modification and if you like then I love it; live your best life and I'll support it. 

In the end the whole crusade against the LGBTQ community is a bunch of horseshit and I think it's hypocritical of people to try and tell them how to live their lives and that what they are doing is wrong but some of those same people will turn around and say that they have the right to go around saying that a government election was rigged without a shred of credible evidence and have no one challenge their opinion. 

"That's like comparing apples to oranges..."

You ever have someone say that to you? Whenever anyone says it to me I always reply, "They're both fruit, so what's the problem?" I say that because 9 out 10 times the only reason someone says it is because they don't have a real reason as to why something is different they just need it to be. Here's what I mean...

The best example I can give is when I am arguing with people that believe abortion is murder but support the death penalty. In my eyes killing someone is killing someone and the only reason there is a difference between each killing is because we look for a justification. 

People that say abortion is murder but uphold the death penalty only say it's different because one is an unborn life while the other is a criminal who is getting what they deserve forgetting the fact that in both cases someone has to be the one to commit murder to accomplish the end result of death. 

In the end I don't care about someone having an argument but where I have a problem is when they start using circular logic to dance around the fact they aren't actually against the act of murder itself they just need it to be different that way when they say people like George Floyd get what they deserve while screaming at others that abortion is murder. They are both murder and since people who want to get abortions aren't aborting any babies without medical guidance and at random like a serial killer then I don't see why it's anyone's business especially since we still have the death penalty as a punishment. 

At some point or another we're all a hypocrite or full of shit but the trick is to be open minded and have the ability to accept new information not to alter your world view but to be more inclusive of the views of others and while it might not stop you from ever saying something hypocritical, at least the big stuff we'll be able to commonly agree on. 


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