
Showing posts from February, 2021

I'm not even sure why we would have to tell someone that Gorilla Glue is not hair product but here we are...

We all have our specific products, right? We all have that one body wash or toothpaste brand that we always get and it's a hassle when you run out or the store doesn't have it in stock so you have to make due. Some of us just buy the next best thing, and some of try to make due with a substitute and that's what this lady from Louisiana tried to do.  Out of Product So apparently Tessica Brown was doing her hair one day and as she was putting the finishing touches on her hair she noticed that she was out of her usual hair product. Now I can't say whether or not she took time to think this all the way through, but at some point she thought that the Gorilla Glue Spray she had would make a good substitute for her normal product.   She applied the GG spray to her hair and posted on her social media that after a month her hair still doesn't move. To give her credit, she wasn't wrong about the GG spray being a good at holding her hair in place, but she definitely wasn&#

Georgia GOP Lawmakers introduce voting restriction legislation

Georgia GOP are really pushing hard to make sure that mail-in ballot fraud doesn't happen again-- even though there's no proof it ever happened in the first place. The GOP proposed some legislation that would make it harder for people to get absentee ballots. The plan would be that voters would need to be 75 years old or older, absent from their precinct, observing a religious holiday, have a physical disability, be required to provide constant care for someone with a physical disability, or required to work "for the protection of the health, life, or safety of the public during the entire time the polls are open" to qualify to vote absentee. Essentially they want to make it so that it's harder for people to vote because as it stands a lot of people don't go vote simply because they can't get the time off from work to go vote. There are millions of people working and we are only allowed to vote during a certain window. Some people can't afford to take

Ron DeSantis Says They Should Fine Social Media Companies if They Ban State Lawmakers

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis introduce a plan to punish social media if they ban state lawmakers. This comes after social media sites banned Trump after the Capitol riots citing that his presence on social media only served to antagonize and incite violence. According to DeSantis' proposal social media companies would be fined $100,000 daily until the candidate's access to a platform be restored.  Ron DeSantis is a moron and so is anyone that agrees with this. The reason these politicians don't want social media to ban them is because it's the only place where they can post whatever they want, fact or fiction, and no one is supposed to question it.  For instance, Trump lost his damn mind when social media companies started putting fact checkers on his tweets when they referenced the virus. He was saying that social media was trying to censor his freedom of speech. No, social is trying to keep the spreading of misinformation around thus they put the fact checkers

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Orders Military-Wide Effort to Address Extremism within the Ranks

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Ordered a stand down of the armed services over the next 60 days to give military leaders the time to address extremism in the ranks. This directive comes as a direct result of the Capitol Riot. The Pentagon was stunned to find out that veterans and active-duty service members had taken part in the riot.  During this stand down, military leaders are to talk to the service men and women about extremism. Service members will have break from their regular activities to attend meetings and events to discuss extremism in the military. One of the problems they have found is that there is no concrete definition for extremism and there is no policy on policing service members' social media accounts as there are 1st Amendment ramifications there.  My two cents I tweeted right after the Capitol riots that anyone in the service that is a Trump Supporter should be given early retirement and full benefits. I also said that they should be barred from any government

"QAnon Shaman" feels played by Trump His Lawyers Say

Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images Jacob Chansley, aka the QANON Shaman (such a ridiculous title), says that he feels played by Trump according to his lawyers. Chansley is currently in jail for his role in the Capitol Riots and if you remember he recently went on an eating strike because they didn't have any healthy organic meals for him to eat-- if he wanted vegan options he should have stayed out of jail but I digress.  Apparently Chansley is claiming that he fell for the "propaganda" machine because Trump would retweet QAnon figures and praise them by saying they were people who really loved this country. His lawyers also say that Chansley knows he has to do right by this country and while he hasn't abandoned his beliefs he would like us to believe he feels some sort of remorse.  Here's the truth: This was all a game to him and then when things go too real he was looking for someone to bail him out. Now that he is sitting in jail facing a prison sentence he realiz

Rittenhouse in Some Hot Water As Prosecutors Seek His Arrest

Prosecutors are looking to have Kyle Rittenhouse arrested and his bail increased because he moved to a new residence without notifying the court of his new address which is a violation of his bail agreement. After Rittenhouse relocated he had 48 hours to notify the court of his new address, but failed to do so. Prosecutors want Rittenhouse arrested and $200,000 added to his bail and their argument is that he's charged with very serious crimes that could result in life in prison-- what's to stop him from fleeing because any charges associated with fleeing will virtually just be numbers on a page if he gets life.  Rittenhouse's lawyers say that Rittenhouse had to move because he was receiving death threats and the reason the address was kept secret was to protect him. Rittenhouse's defense team assures that they are constant contact with their client while he has been at this new "safe house".  Personally I think all of this is a bunch of B.S. Kyle should have n

Ohio Officer Charged with the Murder of Andre Hill

On December 22, Andre Hill was delivering Christmas money to friend that night and on the same night Officer Adam Coy of the Columbus Police was in the area on a call. The call Coy received was non-threatening as someone just reported an SUV with someone sitting in the car with the lights off.  While patrolling the area Coy and his partner, Amy Detweiler, happen to come across Hill who was just leaving his friend's house. As Hill saw the officers he went to raise his hand seemingly to show the officers that he didn't have a gun. Officer Coy then shouts that Hill has a gun and shots were fired.  Andre Hill was lying on the ground bleeding when Officer Coy cuffed him and as Officer Detweiler approached she didn't see or find any weapon. Neither Officer provided much aid to Hill as he lay bleeding out on the garage floor. Hill would die that night from his injuries.  Yesterday a grand jury charged former Officer Adam Coy with felony murder, felonious assault, and two counts of