Ohio Officer Charged with the Murder of Andre Hill

On December 22, Andre Hill was delivering Christmas money to friend that night and on the same
night Officer Adam Coy of the Columbus Police was in the area on a call. The call Coy received was non-threatening as someone just reported an SUV with someone sitting in the car with the lights off. 

While patrolling the area Coy and his partner, Amy Detweiler, happen to come across Hill who was just leaving his friend's house. As Hill saw the officers he went to raise his hand seemingly to show the officers that he didn't have a gun. Officer Coy then shouts that Hill has a gun and shots were fired. 

Andre Hill was lying on the ground bleeding when Officer Coy cuffed him and as Officer Detweiler approached she didn't see or find any weapon. Neither Officer provided much aid to Hill as he lay bleeding out on the garage floor. Hill would die that night from his injuries. 

Yesterday a grand jury charged former Officer Adam Coy with felony murder, felonious assault, and two counts of dereliction of duty for shooting Andre Hill 4 times on the night of December 22. The grand jury charged Coy because he failed to turn on his body camera before the encounter which would resulted in the death of an unarmed man. 

Impact on the Community

While this doesn't settle the score, so to speak, this is a big first step that sends message to law enforcement that you can't get away with killing people by saying you were just doing your job. Incidents like these are the reason people want to "abolish" and "defund" the police. Who wants to call the cops to come check out a situation when there's a good chance they might show up, escalate the situation and ultimately wind up killing someone. 

Hopefully these situations are opening the eyes of policy makers to really start coming down on cops for this kind of stuff. Cops don't need to have any bad apples because while one spoiled apple doesn't ruin the entire bushel several can make someone not want to eat apples period. 


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