"QAnon Shaman" feels played by Trump His Lawyers Say

Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images
Jacob Chansley, aka the QANON Shaman (such a ridiculous title), says that he feels played by Trump according to his lawyers. Chansley is currently in jail for his role in the Capitol Riots and if you remember he recently went on an eating strike because they didn't have any healthy organic meals for him to eat-- if he wanted vegan options he should have stayed out of jail but I digress. 

Apparently Chansley is claiming that he fell for the "propaganda" machine because Trump would retweet QAnon figures and praise them by saying they were people who really loved this country. His lawyers also say that Chansley knows he has to do right by this country and while he hasn't abandoned his beliefs he would like us to believe he feels some sort of remorse. 

Here's the truth: This was all a game to him and then when things go too real he was looking for someone to bail him out. Now that he is sitting in jail facing a prison sentence he realizes that Trump didn't care about him or anyone else that was part of or believed in the QAnon Conspiracy theories. The only thing Trump cared about was being re-elected and he made all those people feel like he cared about them to make sure they voted for him-- some even think he might have encouraged them to storm the Capitol through backdoor channels. 

Whatever the case, I don't feel sorry for him or anyone else that rushed a federal building simply because their candidate lost the election. They believed Trump and Co. when they said that the election would be rigged, they believed them when they said mail-in ballots would be fraudulent, and now they are going to suffer the consequences of having blind faith in a man that sees people as disposable. 


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