Rittenhouse in Some Hot Water As Prosecutors Seek His Arrest

Prosecutors are looking to have Kyle Rittenhouse arrested and his bail increased because he moved to a new residence without notifying the court of his new address which is a violation of his bail agreement. After Rittenhouse relocated he had 48 hours to notify the court of his new address, but failed to do so. Prosecutors want Rittenhouse arrested and $200,000 added to his bail and their argument is that he's charged with very serious crimes that could result in life in prison-- what's to stop him from fleeing because any charges associated with fleeing will virtually just be numbers on a page if he gets life. 

Rittenhouse's lawyers say that Rittenhouse had to move because he was receiving death threats and the reason the address was kept secret was to protect him. Rittenhouse's defense team assures that they are constant contact with their client while he has been at this new "safe house". 

Personally I think all of this is a bunch of B.S. Kyle should have never been released on bail if they were afraid for his safety and if him being free on the street was a concern they should have gone to the court and requested some sort of protection for Kyle until trial. This is all just a bunch of moves carefully orchestrated to make Kyle look like he's a victim. 

They didn't tell the court because they wanted the prosecution to try and file new charges that way people would read in the headlines how Kyle is afraid for his life and had to relocate. It's all just about optics because like I said, if they had those fears about Kyle's life they could have sent him back to jail and had him in protective custody until trial or they could have asked the judge for some other form of protective services until trial. 

People already see Kyle as some sort of hero when the simple fact of the matter he is a criminal. First off he planned to attend the protest in another state which meant that he knew where he was going and who he was going to meet with. He also knew he was going to take a gun with him and being a gun enthusiast he should have known that it is only legal to carry a firearm across state lines if you have a reasonable excuse for carrying it on your trip and the final destination has to be the same destination for which you have a permit for that gun. 

What that means is that if I am driving through Virginia on my way to Maryland to visit my sister and I get pulled over with a gun in the car, as long I as explain to the cop I am just travelling to visit my sister and I keep the gun for protection the only thing he will need to see is the permit for the gun to verify that it is registered. As long as my intent is to stay for a day or two and return to my original location I shouldn't have a problem. 

In Kyle Rittenhouse's case, he wasn't carrying a gun under any normal circumstances that would justifiably explain what he did. Think about it. He had a plan to meet with a bunch of people who were all told to bring guns. He wasn't going hunting. He wasn't going on vacation to grandma's house. He was going to one location with a weapon he wasn't legally allowed to own or even carry. That alone sounds like a enough to be arrested, but he ends up shooting two people in what they are calling self defense. 

I won't argue semantics, but I will say that if that 17-year old had been at home in his own state those two people may not be dead, but because Kyle was influenced by his mother and those people he met up with that night of the protest those people are dead. I think Kyle's parents should be charged as well. They were the ones who let him have the gun, they were the ones who took him across state lines, and they are the ones who are supposed to be responsible for him. 

I can't say for sure how this case will turn out but I hope Kyle gets life in prison at the very least. The reason we have gun laws are to prevent people from doing exactly what Kyle did and he needs to be made an example of on a national level. If you carry a gun across state lines and you have no legitimate reason to do so then you should be charged to the fullest extent of the law.


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