Ron DeSantis Says They Should Fine Social Media Companies if They Ban State Lawmakers

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis introduce a plan to punish social media if they ban state lawmakers. This comes after social media sites banned Trump after the Capitol riots citing that his presence on social media only served to antagonize and incite violence. According to DeSantis' proposal social media companies would be fined $100,000 daily until the candidate's access to a platform be restored. 

Ron DeSantis is a moron and so is anyone that agrees with this. The reason these politicians don't want social media to ban them is because it's the only place where they can post whatever they want, fact or fiction, and no one is supposed to question it. 

For instance, Trump lost his damn mind when social media companies started putting fact checkers on his tweets when they referenced the virus. He was saying that social media was trying to censor his freedom of speech. No, social is trying to keep the spreading of misinformation around thus they put the fact checkers on his tweets so that people would be able to reference expert medical opinion and not just blindly follow the words of that imitation Cheeto. 

They claim that social media has a monopoly on the flow of information which 100% NOT true. There are hundreds of thousands of millions of websites that have information and you can share information that have nothing to do with Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram but the reason these politicians want to stay on the social media is because they know millions of people are using it so they have a large audience whereas if they are banned from social media they have to go back to doing things the hard way and lying directly to people's faces instead of behind a phone screen. 

At the end of the day, Twitter is a private business and service which retains the right to withhold service to anyone regardless of status because that's how it works in this country-- but then again these are the same people who will support a bakery in their decision to no bake a cake for a gay couple because they are gay so who knows, right?? *smh*


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