Georgia GOP Lawmakers introduce voting restriction legislation

Georgia GOP are really pushing hard to make sure that mail-in ballot fraud doesn't happen again-- even though there's no proof it ever happened in the first place. The GOP proposed some legislation that would make it harder for people to get absentee ballots. The plan would be that voters would need to be 75 years old or older, absent from their precinct, observing a religious holiday, have a physical disability, be required to provide constant care for someone with a physical disability, or required to work "for the protection of the health, life, or safety of the public during the entire time the polls are open" to qualify to vote absentee.

Essentially they want to make it so that it's harder for people to vote because as it stands a lot of people don't go vote simply because they can't get the time off from work to go vote. There are millions of people working and we are only allowed to vote during a certain window. Some people can't afford to take the time off of work to spend the whole day standing in line to vote and some people just can't get the time off because their boss won't approve the time off to vote. 

Personally I think people should be able to vote online or mail-in ballots. Those polling stations only service to keep people from voting because some people don't even know where they are supposed to go to vote or how to find out where they go not to mention it would be way more cost effective and votes would be counted a lot faster. 


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