
Showing posts from 2020

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Was Not My Cup of Tea

I am a huge fan of anime so naturally when they started making Dragon Ball Z for consoles I was immediately intrigued. Obviously the game changed throughout the years which the addition storylines and characters that game had to evolve.  Eventually the game go to the Xenoverse version of the game which I enjoyed a lot. I enjoyed the game because it had a little bit of an open world feel to it, but it still had the traditional fighting genre feel. Same goes for Xenoverse 2, so when the newest one, Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, released I was again intrigued.  The Game was a disappointment When I first saw DBZ: Kakarot I the game play looked solid and the game overall looked like it was going to follow the traditional story arc, but what I didn't realize was that it changed from the fighting genre more to an open world RPG.  When I started the game up, I thought the initial phase of the game was like a tutorial which is why you couldn't go to the main menu, but after about 10 minutes of

The Corporate America Experience

I've never actually taken the time to talk about my career with anyone because I've never felt like it was anything worth bragging about no matter what people say about the things I have done. Sometimes I actually get a little annoyed when people start to ask too many questions because I hated the job so much, but lately I have been feeling like maybe I should share my experience.  Why did I go to college? I don't know why I have felt compelled to share my experience, but I guess the best place I can start is the beginning-- ish.  For as long as I can remember my mom pushed me to get good grades and good to college. The rule was as long as I maintained a 3.0 I had whatever freedom a minor could have, but even the slightest drop in grades and I would be on lockdown like I got caught robbing a bank.  There wasn't much detail to the plan for my life outside of get good grades and good to college. I didn't even have a college picked out until I actually applied and went

My Opinion About Opinions

Recently I've been seeing in the media stuff about cancel culture and the reactions that people have to public outcry. It's interesting to see so many people be so shocked and appalled that people don't agree with their opinion or feel like they are unfairly being attacked. It's almost laughable because the people put their opinions out there so freely but don't expect someone to say something to the contrary in a land where we have freedom of speech and social media. To give you an idea of what I mean, I'll use Gina Carano as an example. For those of you who do not know who she is, she was a mixed martial artist that moved into acting. She currently has a role on the Disney+ show The Mandalorian .  Recently she has come under fire for several things. First thing was that she refused to put her pronouns in her bio on social media in support of the LGBTQ community and instead put "beep/bop/boop", or something like that, in her bio which spark controvers

The Holidays Just Haven't Felt Like the Holidays

  Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto I caught an Uber this morning to pick up some groceries and I was lucky to get a very friendly Uber driver. He asked me if I was ready for Christmas and I was a little apprehensive to answer the question. Reluctantly I said, "eh, ever since I've been adult the holidays just haven't felt like the holidays."  The Holidays aren't about money I went on to explain that ever since I became a full blown adult with bills, it's been hard during the holidays because you want to do things and celebrate but you're worried about spending money, gift giving and all that good stuff.  The Uber driver agreed but also said it's not about the money. The holidays are about having fun and spending time with family, and while I do agree with that sentiment, I think saying that is a lot easier than it is done.  First off, around the holidays I never have a ton of money to spend despite my best efforts to save up. I always have this intent t

McConaughey talks about Hollywood Hypocrisy over the 2020 Election

I like Matthew McConaughey. He seems like a good guy and he has been in several movies that I love, so his recent string of interviews have be really interesting and for the most part I haven't really heard him say anything to make me change my opinion of him. His recent interview with Russell Brand was interesting and what really caught my attention was their conversation about politics, specifically the 2020 election.  Brand makes a comment in which he says that he doesn't like to hear people say that others are stupid for voting for Brexit and Trump. To which McConaughey replies with his point of view about how it's hypocritical for people to expect Trump supporters to accept the results of the election when in 2016 people reacted much the same way when he won.  Essentially the conversation gets to a point where McConaughey suggests that people should reframe their conversations about politics in order to find a way to meet in the middle.  I didn't find anything over

JaVale McGee and Justin Bieber Team Up to Make a Hit

We all remember that one time JaVale McGee missed that wide open dunk and everyone knows he’s got 3 championship rings (2 with the Warriors and 1 with the Lakers), so it’s safe to say we all know about his basketball career's highs and lows, but did you know he’s a Grammy nominated music producer as well? Back in February of this year, JaVale McGee tweeted about a song he worked on with Justin Bieber. McGee helped write and produce the song ‘Available’ on Justin Bieber’s newest album Changes. McGee tweeted that 2020 is a year of growth and that it was a dream of his to be a music producer. Working with Justin Bieber isn’t his only dabble into the music business though. Back in April 2018, McGee released his own album entitled Pierre and in that following September he let it be known that he was working with one of his teammates at the time, Lonzo Ball, on some other music. McGee has said that keeping his basketball life and his music life separate is hard because on the one hand y

Elliot Page and The Umbrella Academy

If you haven't seen the Umbrella Academy on Netflix, you should. It's a really good show if you're into comic books and super heroes.  What is it? The Umbrella Academy is a show on Netflix about a group of children that were all born on the same day. A man named Sir Reginald Hargreeves, went around the world to find these children because they had special abilities. Out of the 43 children born that day, Hargreeves was able to obtain 7. He raised these children to harness theirs powers and work together to save the world.  Hargreeves is a hard man and seems very eccentric which translated into a poor father figure. The children had their disfunctions, but instead of helping them deal, Hargreeves would push them harder with training teaching them that those were just hard life moments.  One of the character with issues stemming from childhood traumas was Vanya. Hargreeves seemed to exclude her from the rest of the children making sure to let her know she was just average comp

That Really Bothered Me

Someone commented on one of my promo pictures on Instagram. It's just a picture of me that says follow me on and has the links to my social media accounts. The comment reads as follows: "Why? So you can ratio and unfollow 99% of the people you use to follow? Pass. I don’t know what happened to you but it’s sad. And very disheartening." This comment really bothered me because I didn't unfollow people to make my account look my popular. I did it because I was going to delete my account. I was feeling really badly about myself and part of the reason was because I felt like the more vocal I got about real life, the more people started unfollowing me.  Ever since George Floyd died, I have been a lot more vocal about politics and a lot of my jokes have been politically charged. I started tweeting more about the injustices people are facing and how the government's response to the pandemic has been poor. The more I tweeted about these things, the more I noticed my number

Johnny Depp is still one of my favorites

  I have always been a huge Johnny Depp fan; to me the man is the epitome of cool. He has this swagger about him and I think for me when I watched Pirates of Caribbean for the first time it is when I really saw how cool he was. I mean, to be able to go from Edward Scissors hands to Jack the Pumpkin King to Jack Sparrow was just this awesome transformation through some of my favorite characters and then he was a freaking pirate! It's like how much cooler can this guy get?? You could almost go so far as to say I have a man crush on him. The dude is fashionable, trendy, a rock star, and a phenomenal actor, who doesn't have a crush on the man?? (You're a liar if you say you don't and I'll no discussion about it.)  "Alright, but what does that have to do with anything???" Right, glad you asked. I woke up this morning and I was lying in bed scrolling through my news feed when I saw an article about how the Animaniacs new season had a joke in there about Johnny D

Kevin Hart's gotta new special

  I love stand-up comedy and Kevin Hart is one of my favorites, but last few specials kind of missed the mark for me. Don't get me wrong, I think he is a great stand-up comedian but his last few specials were kind of flat and while they were entertaining because it is after all Kevin Hart, they weren't as funny as some of his earlier stand-up specials.  I can't say I was overly excited to hear that Kevin Hart had a new special on Netflix, but within the first few minutes of the special, I could this one was different. The first thing you can tell is that he is a lot more comfortable which he attributes to doing the show in his home versus some large venue. That smaller more imitate feel really helped his storying telling and confidence. In some of his prior shows I felt like he was trying too hard to retool some of his older jokes to make them a little bit more broad audience friendly but in this special he actually takes time to address the changing relationship between fa

Adam Sandler is...Hubie Halloween??

Not gonna lie, I haven't seen Hubie Halloween and as I much as I don't want to, I know my curiosity will get the better of me because I do love old school Adam Sandler and I am hoping that he can either find something new that makes me excited to have seen it or at least make me feel like he isn't shameless money grabbing. I have followed Sandler's career since I first saw Big Daddy. Then I watch Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. Since those days I have seen every thing from Little Nicky to Uncut Gems and even Spanglish (F*cking loved it. Such an underrated movie) but most of his work sort of just feels like a shameless cash grab. Far be it from me to say that it is not hard work coming up with new fresh ideas. I know it's hard to please every one but at what point do you say maybe it's time for me to stop being the star and find someone else to play the leads in the movies I write? Sandler has always used essentially the same team to do his movies and I love tha

A Proper List of Scary Movies

I love scary movies but I hate those scary movies list that come out. Most times I read through them I feel like they only pick the top rated movies and throw in a few classics they've seen. Sometimes even the "critically" acclaimed movies are crap and the only reason they were so popular is because they had a bigger budget or were able to secure a more popular cast; throw in a few jump scares and you have a blockbuster title.  One thing I will not discount is the fact that most of these lists are comprised by the person's preferences. Someone might watch Oculus and think it's a terrible movie while others might think it's the scariest thing they have ever seen, so I won't say that my list is the end all be all but I will say that I have seen all of these movies and I can guarantee that there are more than a few on this list that I think you will like.  The reason I picked these 75 movies is because each one of them left me feeling uneasy after watching an