Adam Sandler is...Hubie Halloween??

Not gonna lie, I haven't seen Hubie Halloween and as I much as I don't want to, I know my curiosity will get the better of me because I do love old school Adam Sandler and I am hoping that he can either find something new that makes me excited to have seen it or at least make me feel like he isn't shameless money grabbing.

I have followed Sandler's career since I first saw Big Daddy. Then I watch Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. Since those days I have seen every thing from Little Nicky to Uncut Gems and even Spanglish (F*cking loved it. Such an underrated movie) but most of his work sort of just feels like a shameless cash grab. Far be it from me to say that it is not hard work coming up with new fresh ideas. I know it's hard to please every one but at what point do you say maybe it's time for me to stop being the star and find someone else to play the leads in the movies I write? Sandler has always used essentially the same team to do his movies and I love that he works with the same people but maybe that's why the movies don't feel authentic anymore. They feel more manufactured for a payday. The laughs aren't as rich as they used to be. The physical comedy is missing the mark. Maybe all those things can be attributed to the fact that fresh blood and help make the movies better either in front of the camera or behind. I love Adam Sandler and I always will but I think in order to really shake things up he needs to find some new people to lead the projects and him take a backseat. Help support the movie instead of trying to carry it. Like I said, I know it's hard being creative and I applaud him for keeping relevant because Hollywood will quickly forget those that can't keep putting on a show. 


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