
Showing posts from October, 2020

Adam Sandler is...Hubie Halloween??

Not gonna lie, I haven't seen Hubie Halloween and as I much as I don't want to, I know my curiosity will get the better of me because I do love old school Adam Sandler and I am hoping that he can either find something new that makes me excited to have seen it or at least make me feel like he isn't shameless money grabbing. I have followed Sandler's career since I first saw Big Daddy. Then I watch Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. Since those days I have seen every thing from Little Nicky to Uncut Gems and even Spanglish (F*cking loved it. Such an underrated movie) but most of his work sort of just feels like a shameless cash grab. Far be it from me to say that it is not hard work coming up with new fresh ideas. I know it's hard to please every one but at what point do you say maybe it's time for me to stop being the star and find someone else to play the leads in the movies I write? Sandler has always used essentially the same team to do his movies and I love tha

A Proper List of Scary Movies

I love scary movies but I hate those scary movies list that come out. Most times I read through them I feel like they only pick the top rated movies and throw in a few classics they've seen. Sometimes even the "critically" acclaimed movies are crap and the only reason they were so popular is because they had a bigger budget or were able to secure a more popular cast; throw in a few jump scares and you have a blockbuster title.  One thing I will not discount is the fact that most of these lists are comprised by the person's preferences. Someone might watch Oculus and think it's a terrible movie while others might think it's the scariest thing they have ever seen, so I won't say that my list is the end all be all but I will say that I have seen all of these movies and I can guarantee that there are more than a few on this list that I think you will like.  The reason I picked these 75 movies is because each one of them left me feeling uneasy after watching an

Dr. Disrespect Update

  If you've been keeping up with Dr. Disrespect and Twitch, then you know there still isn't much to go on. Dr. Disrespect was banned from Twitch earlier this year and Twitch has still not yet addressed the ban publicly and Dr. Disrespect is carrying on outside of Twitch as if nothing has happened.  One interesting thing to note is that a few weeks ago he seemed to hint at the reason that Twitch had banned him during one of his live streams.  "Master Chief Navy here says Rich Miller. Hey Rich! Imagine the Navy going in there and getting rid of you, huh. Just out of no where. And then bringing in 3 new cadets. Because you know what, they said man, even though he's going to turn Master Chief, that's a big huge salary. Imagine that Rich. But thankfully that doesn't happen to you." He seems to hint at the idea that he is being replaced by other streamers because he (Dr. Disrespect) would want too big of a salary for an exclusive contract. If you are familiar wi

And Still the Undefeated UFC Light Heavyweight Champion of the World...

  Saturday afternoon, UFC 254 saw one of the greatest fighters in UFC history, a rising star, defend his title, and then promptly retire at 29-0 as a professional fighter.  Admittedly, I did not see the fight, but I followed both fighters enough to know who they are and what to expect. When I talked about the fight during my podcast, I said that both fighters were great wrestlers and that the only way Gaethje would win is if he made Khabib stand with him by cancelling out Khabib's wrestling. I think one thing we all thought would affect the fight is the fact that Khabib lost his father due to Covid. Khabib's father was a huge presence in his life and he mentioned that it was the first time he was going to have to face a challenge inside the octagon without his father. After the fight, during his post-fight interview, he said he talked to his mother for 3 days and that she didn't want him to fight without his father by his side. He promised this would be his last fight; a re

Joe Rogan, Texas, Freedom and covid??

Joe Rogan recently moved to Texas citing the reason being that they have more "freedom" there. Well, I guess he isn't wrong considering they just made it legal for social workers to turn away clients who have a disability or are LGBTQ. On Monday, the Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners voted unanimously Monday to change a section of its code of conduct that establishes when a social worker may refuse to serve someone. The code will no longer prohibit social workers from turning away clients on the basis of disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Wonder if that will be a topic on Joe's Podcast, oh wait, because he moved to Texas and got himself all of that freedom, someone on his staff may have caught Covid so now they all have to quarantine and get tested, but "mask's are for pussies", right Joe?? Enjoy that huge tax break and all that freedom, bro. 

Justice Department Sues Google for multiple Antitrust law violations

The US Justice Department capped off a long investigation into Google by mounting formal charges against Google claiming the company has violated multiple antitrust laws. Essentially the DOJ is claiming that Google has gotten too big and uses their position to the determent of corporate competitors and consumers.  I can see why this would a concern because we do in fact have laws the are supposed to ensure a level playing field for businesses, but is curious to me is why they are going after Google now when you have other companies that have been doing the exact same thing for years, what's Google doing differently that other companies are pretty much getting away with the same thing... Here's what I mean:  Walmart is one of the nations biggest retailers both online and brick & mortar locations. Walmart sells groceries, clothes, auto parts, furniture, kitchen appliances and more; they even purchased that to boost their online presence to compete with Amazon. Amazon

More Emails, More Accusations Against Russia, and another American election…

As we get closer to the election, the news about Hunter Biden is starting to heat up. Emails have surfaced that indicate that Biden may have arranged a meet between his dad and some Ukrainian businessmen that he was work for or with at the time. I had a chance to look over the emails and there wasn’t anything overtly alarming in them. Most of them seem like normal business emails, so I am left wondering where all these ties to wrongdoing link all the way to Joe Biden. Here’s what I know: I know that Hunter Biden had a drug addiction, I know that he landed a position with foreign company and that foreign company happened to be a little bit shady, and I know that during this time, at least at some point, Joe Biden was Vice President. I know that’s not a ton to go on but based on the facts, those are the only ones concrete enough to build any real plausible story from. Based on those concrete facts, let’s talk about those emails and what the implications are. People are saying that Joe

Social Media isn’t the bad guy…

I have been a user of social media since the early days of Myspace. Those were the days when you could customize the HTML to change the background and really customize your space. You could organize your top friend’s list but one thing that didn’t change from the real world was the drama. Mean spirited social media posts aimed at fellow students. Nasty email messages being circulated; it wasn’t anything any different than those nasty notes getting passed in school or those vicious rumors being spread behind your back. Fast forward 14 years, and I see the same things on social media and the internet as I do in real life and the only real difference is that when people say horrible things on the internet, there are vastly more people there to co-sign on the nastiness. Example: A girl posts a selfie and a man posts a nasty comment about it. Other men who agree with the comment can like and/or comment with the original comment whereas in public if a man should be so bold as to say someth

Commander-in-Thief calls Fauci a "disaster"

  On a campaign call, Trump decided to belittle Dr. Fauci during a wildly baseless rant about how people are sick of Covid. He would later go on to poke fun of Fauci's age with a poor joke about him being here for 500 years but to that I say, wouldn't that make him someone to listen to? I mean, after 500 years the man's got to know a little something right? They don't call him doctor for nothing. Trump later claims that if Fauci was in charge a half of a million people would have died by now, which, according to reports is a very real possibility under Trump's watch come January. ( click here to find out more )      "People are tired of Covid. I have these huge rallies," Trump said, phoning into a call with campaign staff from his namesake hotel in Las Vegas, where he spent two nights amid a western campaign swing. "People are saying whatever. Just leave us alone. They're tired of it. People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots."  

Ice Cube, A contract with Black America, and Trump

Ice Cube is probably one of my all-time favorite celebrities. To see someone from the black community that’s older than I am have such a level of success in the entertainment industry gives myself and other people a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. What I mean by that is, we see that if we work at something we could be like him one day but we have to put in whatever effort it requires. He’s always maintained that street attitude all the while learning and growing as a human being which is why I think he started this whole idea of the contract with black America. I mean, when you go from rags to riches and you see everyone around you the same skin color as you still struggling, still getting killed by the police and just overall stuck in the same mess he was in all those year ago when he was rapping about it with NWA, I am sure he asked himself what more could be done. With all his money and influence he sought out some people and put together the contract with black America

Joe Biden Keeps Proving Why He Would Be a Better President

  Trump took office in 2016 and every day since then has been a slow crawl toward our current nightmare. With the economy in a K shaped recovery, there is no telling when the economy will truly bounce back, and with us heading toward cold and flu season, the Covid pandemic could get worse with people still not taking the virus seriously and Trump’s continued downplaying of the virus. How did we get here? I don’t think back in 2016 anyone would have seen that a pandemic would have happened under Trump’s watch, but what most people thought would happen did happen. Trump’s huge tax cuts for corporations lead to a huge loss of tax revenue in 2018; fast forward to 2020 and the government is arguing over how much it should cost to help the people in the country who need it during this pandemic which begs the question: If 2018 hadn’t seen such a large drop in tax revenue would the government be in a better position to help us now. Had Trump really been focusing on building a stronger econ

Did the Economy Collapse because of Covid or Did Covid expose a weak economy?

  Throughout history mankind has battled a common enemy: disease. Diseases have plagued humanity and will continue to plague humanity because just like humans, diseases evolve. Modern medicine has armed us with host of techniques, medicines, and vaccines to help combat diseases and keep them from spreading, but one thing that modern medicine doesn’t protect against is the economy. No amount of medicine will fix an ailing economy, so it begs the question did Covid cause the economic downturn or did Covid expose a weak economy? In my opinion, I think Covid exposed a weak economy and here is why. Employment As the pandemic got worse and people started to get laid off due to the lockdown, the government had to increase state unemployment benefits and pay out stimulus checks. This doesn’t make any sense to me because if our economy is strong and we have a system in place to ensure that under normal conditions people have enough money saved up that if they were to be unemployed the sta

Who’s Better: Lebron or KD?

  Who’s Better: Lebron or KD   Before I get too into this, I am going to say that it is my belief that Michael Jordan is the greatest and will always be the greatest basketball player ever. THE END. Lebron vs. KD Now that we’ve established who is the greatest, let’s talk about Lebron and KD. I’ll say that Lebron is a great human being and that he is an exceptional basketball player. He is a physically imposing presence on the court as well as a threat to score from quite literally any where on the court, and sometimes, seemingly at will. We cannot deny any of those facts. Kevin Durant is a scoring monster. He may not dominate inside but he’s perfected that jumper to where he doesn’t have to. His defense is a little lacking but overall, he is a nightmare on the court for any opponent and trying to match him up defensively is nearly impossible. Both players by all accounts are the two best players in the world which begs the question: who is better? We’re talking stats here L