More Emails, More Accusations Against Russia, and another American election…

As we get closer to the election, the news about Hunter Biden is starting to heat up. Emails have surfaced that indicate that Biden may have arranged a meet between his dad and some Ukrainian businessmen that he was work for or with at the time. I had a chance to look over the emails and there wasn’t anything overtly alarming in them. Most of them seem like normal business emails, so I am left wondering where all these ties to wrongdoing link all the way to Joe Biden.

Here’s what I know: I know that Hunter Biden had a drug addiction, I know that he landed a position with foreign company and that foreign company happened to be a little bit shady, and I know that during this time, at least at some point, Joe Biden was Vice President.

I know that’s not a ton to go on but based on the facts, those are the only ones concrete enough to build any real plausible story from. Based on those concrete facts, let’s talk about those emails and what the implications are. People are saying that Joe Biden is crooked somehow and in someway because his son worked for a shady foreign company that Joe said he didn’t talk to his son about but apparently there are no emails that prove that to the contrary…or that’s what people would have you to believe. How do we know that Hunter’s bosses weren’t going to be in town on a certain day and said that they would love to meet his father simply because of who he was? Very plausible that Hunter would then turn around and meet up with his dad at some point and mention to him that his bosses would love to meet him and that it would score him some real points with his company. Joe being the good father his is trying to support a son he may or may not know is struggling with a drug addiction agrees to meet with them. How do we know they even talked shopped? They could have just discussed dinner and everything else the happened was just subsequent to everything happened. Let’s say those Russian businessmen were kremlin assets, we know Hunter had a drug problem, what’s the say those Russian businessmen didn’t take advantage of Hunter, knowing about his addiction, and used him to get to his father. They convince Hunter to set up a meet with his father and those same Russian businessmen meet up with Joe and try to blackmail him because they have photos of his son doing drugs and all kinds of mess. We don’t know what that meeting was about, but we do know that Hunter had a drug problem and it’s extremely reasonable to believe that they tried to blackmail or coerce Joe into something.

We’ll never know the truth about the situation, we’ll only ever know what the government wants us to know but to me it’s rather obvious what is happening. The same thing that happened in the last election. There’s someone saying there is Russian interference, there are some “suspect” emails linked to a presidential candidate, and the news and social media are eating it all up without actually putting any thought into the idea that if Russian is messing with this election, they just might have messed with the last election and if it turns out that Kremlin assets have in fact been influencing the election, it would suggest that people in the GOP are working with the Russians and not the Democrats.

Think about it, last election they proved that there were fake accounts all over every corner of social media pumping out crap to disinform the public. Whether those people running those bot farms were Russian assets is anyone’s guess except the parties involved and the parties with direct information, but there were people who said it was the Russians. Flashforward and it is happening again, except this time it is happening to Joe Biden and Trump. A month before the election some random laptop that happened to appear out of no where has some emails that some people are saying may be a cause to think that Joe Biden is working with Russia. Trump’s last campaign focused heavily on Hilary Clinton’s emails and it largely worked, so here we are again seeing that very same sort of thing happening and it’s having the same effect. People are quick to look at it and say that it must mean that Joe Biden is crooked because he took a meeting with some men from a shady company. Sounds like stuff Trump used to do all the time before he was president, but no one is questioning his relationship with Epstein now are they?

My point here is this, Trump has nothing but nice things to say about Putin. Why would Putin want him out of office? 


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