Commander-in-Thief calls Fauci a "disaster"


On a campaign call, Trump decided to belittle Dr. Fauci during a wildly baseless rant about how people are sick of Covid. He would later go on to poke fun of Fauci's age with a poor joke about him being here for 500 years but to that I say, wouldn't that make him someone to listen to? I mean, after 500 years the man's got to know a little something right? They don't call him doctor for nothing. Trump later claims that if Fauci was in charge a half of a million people would have died by now, which, according to reports is a very real possibility under Trump's watch come January. (click here to find out more 


"People are tired of Covid. I have these huge rallies," Trump said, phoning into a call with campaign staff from his namesake hotel in Las Vegas, where he spent two nights amid a western campaign swing. "People are saying whatever. Just leave us alone. They're tired of it. People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots."


The truth of the matter is, people are sick of Covid but the biggest reason has to do with Trump himself. He was the one that initially played this whole thing down as if it was no big deal and then when it did become a big deal there was no plan in place to mitigate the spread of the virus. There was an immediate lockdown and everything stopped. Then when masks are recommended that gets turn into another political issue thus making the situation worse because everyone who listened to him about it not being a big deal still don't think it's a big deal and throw on those people who say wearing a mask is for liberal puppets and you have a perfect mix to increase the spread of the disease with those Trump rallies being the perfect petri dish. The cold weather is upon us which will, in all likelihood, make the conditions of the pandemic worse and that being the case, people aren't going to see any relief from this pandemic any faster thanks to Trump's careless leadership and his baseless claims against the medical community despite the fact that there are tapes where he is caught saying that the virus is more deadly than the flu. 

We're all tired of this pandemic and the terrible conditions, but it's not going to go away unless we start listening to the experts on the subject.


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