Ice Cube, A contract with Black America, and Trump

Ice Cube is probably one of my all-time favorite celebrities. To see someone from the black community that’s older than I am have such a level of success in the entertainment industry gives myself and other people a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. What I mean by that is, we see that if we work at something we could be like him one day but we have to put in whatever effort it requires. He’s always maintained that street attitude all the while learning and growing as a human being which is why I think he started this whole idea of the contract with black America. I mean, when you go from rags to riches and you see everyone around you the same skin color as you still struggling, still getting killed by the police and just overall stuck in the same mess he was in all those year ago when he was rapping about it with NWA, I am sure he asked himself what more could be done. With all his money and influence he sought out some people and put together the contract with black America.

I had a chance to read over the contact and I really think everyone should. I think it is very well done and if they expand on somethings and can accomplish the stuff set out in this contract, it could be very beneficial for the black community. I see why he was so eager to send to both political parties and see what they had to say but what concerns me is his eagerness to work with a party that is currently fighting to keep political power.

Trump claims he is going to get a lot of the black vote and while he probably won’t get the majority of it, he would gain more by seeming to engage in a dialog with Ice Cube and his team about this contract because for anyone who has read this, it does bring you hope to hear that someone has put this together. For the first time, I think we have comprehensive list of demands that we want met but at the same time, we are bringing to two parties that are fighting for political power and Trump has shown that he has no problem letting racists and white nationalists know that he thinks they are fine people…Not to mention that whole thing with the Nazi Iconogy on Facebook they claimed was an oversight.

Ice Cube says that the Dems wanted to wait until after the election to talk about it which I felt he felt was a slap in the fact but again, they are fighting for control of the White House and the last time they took their eyes off the wheel we got Trump, so I can understand that facing a pandemic, failing economy and an upcoming presidential election that they want to wait until they are in a position of power to even sit down and say yes to anything because as it stands, the GOP is in control and the dems can’t just agree to get all that stuff done when they aren’t even in a position to pass a much needed stimulus bill. On that same note, the GOP isn’t really in a position of power either not when they are so close to losing it. If the house flips and Biden becomes presidents, the GOP is no longer in a position to fulfill any of those promises they made you because they would need the dems to sign off and I am not saying that it wouldn’t happen, I am just saying that it makes sense as to why the GOP would jump at the chance to sit down with one of the black communities most beloved icons for a conversation about race relations and reform right before an election; they need to look good for potential black voters.

Ice Cube said that he doesn’t trust any of the politicians but we have to make them work for us and do right by us and that is what the contract is supposed to be for, but in my opinion, for someone who doesn’t trust politicians, he seems to be mighty trusting of the ones who support the one who has been cheating his taxes. In my mind, there’s just a lot wrong with the scenario to have any hope that this actually goes anywhere. I really do admire what Ice Cube is trying to do, but I am 32 years old and not even I am that naïve as to believe a man that cheats his taxes, paid a woman not to talk about how they fucked, and a host of other nefarious things would actually care anything about helping me or my community especially when he is threatening to leave the country if he loses the upcoming election.


Overall, I get why people are saying Cube is a sellout. Do I think he is a sellout? No, I think he is a black man desperate to do something to make real change for the black community, all minorities really, but out of that desperation comes a willingness to believe the first person who says something nice and that’s what could be his undoing. Believing that Trump and the GOP actually care about anything more than securing votes before an election.


 Click here to read the contract

Click here to watch Ice Cube Respond to Critics



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