Justice Department Sues Google for multiple Antitrust law violations

The US Justice Department capped off a long investigation into Google by mounting formal charges against Google claiming the company has violated multiple antitrust laws. Essentially the DOJ is claiming that Google has gotten too big and uses their position to the determent of corporate competitors and consumers. 

I can see why this would a concern because we do in fact have laws the are supposed to ensure a level playing field for businesses, but is curious to me is why they are going after Google now when you have other companies that have been doing the exact same thing for years, what's Google doing differently that other companies are pretty much getting away with the same thing...

Here's what I mean: 

Walmart is one of the nations biggest retailers both online and brick & mortar locations. Walmart sells groceries, clothes, auto parts, furniture, kitchen appliances and more; they even purchased that Jet.com to boost their online presence to compete with Amazon. Amazon sells everything under the sun from just about everywhere under the son and they deliver right to your doorstep. Amazon also just purchased, Whole Foods, Twitch, has it's own streaming service, and a host of other digital products. What's my point? Those two companies alone over the years have put more people out of business than Google because Google isn't competing with anyone except other tech companies and what has Google done that the other tech companies have not already done? Apple has had a phone for years, they sold the iPod, they have the iPad and a host of other products, and not for nothing, but you have to pay extra to get MS products on your MAC because MAC runs on a different OS, so basically they made it so you have to purchase their products in order to get the seamless inter-device connectivity. Microsoft had a phone, they have computers, they have a gaming system, and not to mention a ton of software and they bought LinkedIn and other products to license specifically for their PCs. Most PC makers only use Microsoft programs. How many companies have been put out of business between all of those companies? Walmart, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple; How many companies no longer exist because those companies got so big they couldn't compete? How many companies don't get any larger because they have to work with Amazon in order to sell their products or else it wouldn't be feasible? 

Most all of these big corporations have found some way or another to "diversify" their portfolios and make more money. Google used to be just a search engine, now it's the large company that spans the globe and offers services from blogging on down to its own free version of MS Excel. All of them, they have all found some way to increase their shareholders profits because in this country, that's all corporate business is: finding ways to keep increasing shareholder value. 

Why else would Walmart need to find away to compete with Amazon? Walmart was never gonna go out of business because of Amazon, but what they would go out of business for is losing shareholders to a rising Amazon. See Walmart bought Jet.com not to keep from losing customers, they needed to increase their market value so shareholders would keep sticking with them and it would bring in new investors...plus it added a nice chunk of digital market share to Walmart's already large market share. Essentially, they weren't competing with Amazon market share wise, they were competing with Amazon with regards to stock price. 

The short and skinny of it is this, Google isn't the only one that should be looked at for violating antitrust laws. These big corporations and tech companies have found a way to own almost everything and it's been and will continue to be a determent to small business owners everywhere. 


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