
Showing posts from 2023

Double Standards and Bullsh!t

I came across this post last night in which a young woman was responding to a comment. I don't know if the comment was on one her posts or some else's, however, the gist of the comment was that white women are married before they graduate nursing school.  Her response to the comment was to say that a man who proposes to a woman while she is in nursing school, especially if she's just about to graduate, is looking to "secure the bag". She tells the viewers that these men have a plan and that plan is these soon-to-be, or would be, nurses.  She then goes on to tell her viewers that she knows about these men because she hears all of her co-workers complaining about them. She then goes on to give a few examples one such being that a co-worker of hers could only take 8 weeks of maternity leave because her husband doesn't make enough.  The video is below. You can view it on my Instagram page as a remixed reel. Anyhow, the video got me to thinking about how well it wo

A Promise To Myself

Everyday I wake up with the goal of begging for a job helping making someone else rich so I can feed off the scraps they're willing to give me. I've played by the rules, and busted my ass. They said go to college and I did it. They said find a corporate job and I did. They said work hard, keep your nose clean, and things will work out. You know what I got for it? Laid off 3 times. That's what I got for all of my hard work, and yet, here I am still running to the very group of people begging for a jobs they'll put me out of on whim. Tell me, "it's just business..." It's not just business for me, but okay. I'll swallow that pill because what other choice do I have? That's the way folks do business, well then that's the way folks do business. I'm 35 and I'll be 36 in May. I'm not getting any younger and if I keep this up I'll be doing the same shit until the day I die. I don't want this to be my life. I don't want to ke

People say that hard work pays off

People say that hard work pays off, but that's a lie. The truth is that hard work only pays off if you like what you're working hard at.  If you don't like what you're working hard at, to some degree or another, you're going to be working hard for nothing.  You can be the hardest working person in place, but if no one knows your name and you don't talk to people, there's good chance they won't be thinking of you the next time they're promoting folks.  That's why a lot of people get passed over for promotions. They haven't spent enough time getting to know people at work. They haven't spent enough time at the office parties. They don't stay longer hours when they were asked if they could stay extra hours.  The truth is that if you're not working hard at something you at least like a little bit, there's a good chance you're just working hard for the sake of working hard. ========================================= Make sure yo

Modern Warfare 3 Has Been Disappointing

I've been playing Call of Duty for a long time and I love the franchise, but I've got to say that Modern Warfare 3 has been a disappointment.  I was really hyped that they were going to continue the story from the original story line, so I preordered the game. That's how hyped I was. I don't often pre-order games because I like to wait to see what people say about it before I spend the money.  For those unaware, if you pre-ordered the game you would get early access to the multiplayer and campaign. The multiplayer beta was just for a weekend, however, early access to the campaign would go until the full release of the game starting November 9th.  The multiplayer was fun and I didn't have too many complaints about it. It felt reminiscent of the early game, especially because they brought back some of our favorite maps. I'm not going to say that loved the map Rust, but it does bring back memories.  My friends and I played as much as we were able to. It was a lot o

Art Imitates Life and Not the Other Way 'Round

Art Imitates life and not the other way 'round. People Create art from what we know of the world.  Art isn't showing us something we haven't already seen. Stories can't be written about things never experienced or learned.  Heroes chasing monsters; People falling in love Starry Night or the Mona Lisa. It's all based on what the known universe has already shown us. Strip away the aesthetics of a hero and what's left?  The concept of morality, justice, right and wrong. Strip away the aesthetics of a monster and what's left?  The concept of immorality, injustice, hate, fear, and darkness. All things found within the human condition. 12 different films are based on a real man that perpetrated heinous acts of violence. Ed Gein, for all intents and purposes, was a monster. Photos of war, paintings of flowers, and sculptures of the male and female form all imitate life. Life doesn't imitate are, no, it's the other way 'round.

Another Terrifier Movie?? ...But Why??

I heard they were making another Terrifier movie and to be honest, I was very shocked. I had no idea people actually liked those movies enough for there to be enough buzz calling for a 3rd installment.  If you haven't seen them movies you're not missing out on anything unless you enjoy senseless gore and plots that make no sense. I'm all for a good cheesy scary movie, but the Terrifier movies just didn't do it for me. For anyone unaware of Art the Clown and the Terrifier movies, Art the clown made his first appearance in a short film called The 9th Circle. This short film was inspired by Dante's Inferno. Directed by Damien Leone, this adaption followed an innocent girl being caught off guard and knocked out by Art the clown to awaken in a hellish place to become a sacrifice for Satan. Five years after this short film was produced, All Hallows' Eve was released. This would be the second appearance of Art the Clown. All Hallows' Eve follows the story of a baby

What If...

What if I told you that I started a GoFundMe to raise seed money for my media company, would you give it to me? What if I told you that I started a GoFundMe to raise money to get a car in order to travel to generate money for my media company, would you give it to me?  What if I told you that I started a GoFundMe to raise money to keep my media company independent and uncontrolled by the corporate agenda, would you give it to me?  Or how about this one: What if I told you that I was sick with cancer and I needed to raise money for my treatments or else I would die, would you give it to me?  Why is it that people have to sell a sob story in order to get help? Why is it that I can ask people something simple like, "Repost this..." and get zero response, but if I were to mention being sick and dying people would pay attention?  People gladly throw their money at companies like Amazon, Netflix, and the likes despite the fact that they're making money hand over fist and they d

The Reasons Behind TiggroAmigoMedia

  I started TiggroAmigoMedia back in 2018 and back then, it wasn't anything more than a blog and Twitter account. The idea started because I wanted to do stand up comedy and entertain people with my content, so I figured I'd start out small and work my way from there.  At the time I had no idea where it would go, or even what to do, I just started doing stuff. Eventually I started to stream on Twitter back when that was a thing and I had a lot of fun doing it. I also made some covers that were pretty popular, but I had to take them down or else the illuminati would come get me...just kidding, it was DCMA violation, so I went on ahead and deleted them all just to be on the safe side. Don't want my account getting deleted over some B.S. Once I realized how successful I could be with all the stuff I was doing, I decided it was time to start investing my money in equipment to up my production value. I bought microphones, video cameras, a capture card, and got editing software f

Update for my Loyalists

I feel bad that I didn't do a podcast episode last week and feel bad that I don't feel like doing one this week. To be honest, every time I skip a podcast episode I left myself down more than anyone, but I think right now I'm going to put them on hold until I find another job, or get some money. It's hard to keep motivated when I'm stressing about money and trying to find a job. I wish I had the support and freedom to just focus on making my media company a success, but when you don't have money to eat it takes away from your focus.  I'm not sleeping well at night because my problems keep me up. Sometimes I'll stay up until I literally pass out and I know that's not good. I know that it's a sign that I'm depressed. I try to wake up every day and pretend everything is alright and I'm alright, but I'm not.  Everyday it's a struggle to keep my wits about me. I woke up one morning recently, went out side, found a huge stick, and slamm

I'm tired of people telling me what I need to do, but not willing to help me do it.

I'm tired of people telling me what I need to do, but not willing to help me do it.  I live in, literally, the middle of God's green no where right now and I don't have a car.  Each time I've saved up money to get myself a car something happens.  For instance, I was up about $5k when the pandemic happened and I was just about to pull the trigger on getting a car, but at the time people were getting laid off and business was slowing down.  I figured it would be mighty stupid of me to take on this rather large financial obligation knowing that there's a chance I could be laid off.  Sure as shit, a month later, I was laid off. I wasn't at any great loss for not having a car at the time because I was living in NC and could walk, bike, or Uber/Lyft wherever I needed to go.  It sucked not having a car and having to walk places, but I swallowed my pride and did what I needed to do to make it.  Here, I can't walk anywhere. I can't Uber anywhere, so me getting a

Perennial Disappoints: The Giants Struggles Continue

The Giants played the Seahawks last night and I know it's still relatively early in the season, but I don't see things turning around, especially with Daniel Jones at the helm.  I've been vocal about the fact that I've been wildly unimpressed with Daniel Jones since I first heard his name. People have said to me, "Hey, you should give him a chance. The Giants need a better this...or that...".  Sure, okay, I'll take a beat and watch it all unfold.  Fast Forward to now: Here we are all these years later and I'm still not impressed with Daniel Jones and I'll even go so far as to say that I'm shocked the Giants gave him that huge contract extension.  Right now, the Giants are 1 - 3 and dead last in the NFC East. Through 4 games, the Giants have scored 46 points while allowing 122. Last night against the Seahawks, Jones threw for 203 yards and threw 2 interceptions; one of which was a pick six.  The Giants offense is stale. Jones is currently ranke

In Case You Missed It: Here's What You Should Know About the Danny Masterson Sentencing

Danny Masterson has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for the rape of 2 women back in the early 2000s.  Backstory Danny Masterson rose to fame on the popular television show 'That 70's Show'. In the show, Masterson played the character Hyde.  Over the show's 8 year run, Masterson developed close ties to Aston Kutcher, Wilmer Valderrama, Laura Prepon, and Mila Kunis. Topher Grace would eventually leave the show to pursue his cinematic endeavors leaving the rest of the cast to carry the show.  After 'That 70's Show', Masterson would go on to work on other projects including Netflix's 'The Ranch' where he starred along side he long time friend from 'That 70's Show' Ashton Kutcher. The show aired in 2016, but Masterson's time on the show would be short lived. In 2017 the rape allegations made headlines and Masterson would, ultimately, be written off the show.  The Allegations In March 2017, it was first reported that the LA police

Joe Jonas Calls It Quits and Files For Divorce From Sophie Turner

According to reports, Joe Jonas is calling it quits on his marriage to Sophie Turner after 4 years of marriage. In 2016, Jonas sent Turner a direct message and two met up for a date. From then on the two were almost inseparable.  They became social media official in January that year and in September 2017, they got a dog together. Shortly the dog, Jonas popped the question in October that same year. They would make appearances together throughout the years until finally tying the proverbial knot in May of 2019.  Since then they've had two kids and not much else has really happened until the news of the divorce broke. Some reports suggest that the age gap could be the reason they are splitting up. Jonas is 6 years older than Turner.  If you follow TMZ then maybe you've heard that their issues stem from the fact that she wants to be a party girl and he doesn't care for partying these days, which is understandable considering he has a busy life being a celebrity, a father of

Here's Are Some Thing I've Learned From Growing My Cannabis Plant

Growing my plant turned out to be a complete waste of time. The whole appeal of DIY growing was not having to spend money on bud. From what I understand, a plant can yield about a pound of marijuana which would have lasted me at least 6 months, however, my plant turned out to be a male which is basically useless.  I know, I know...what do you mean useless? Well, male plants aren't the ones we smoke; it's the female plants that produce the potent sticky icky bud we all love.  Yes, I'm disappointed that my own grow was a bust, however, I figured I could at least share the things I learned along the way.  Male Plants versus Female Plants If you happen to come across a seed, or two, there's no way to tell whether or not a plant is male or female until it starts to grown, so my first tip is that if you only have the one seed, pray...pray real hard or skip planting all together because if you do end up with a male plant, it's more of a hassle than it's worth.  Serious

Return To Sender Wasn't That Great

I watched Return To Sender yesterday, and for anyone who has not seen this movie, it was released in 2015. The film is starred by Rosamund Pike, Nick Nolte, and Shiloh Fernandez. Pike plays a nurse who has a bit of a control issue which is evident throughout the movie. It's not evident whether she has an issue with germs or has OCD, however, outside of that little quirk, she seems to be a relatively normal person leading a relatively normal life.  She has good relationship with her father, played by Nolte, and she has a good relationship with her co-workers one of whom is worried about Pike's character's love life, so she sets her up on a blind date with a man named Kevin. Not much detail is given about Kevin save for the fact that the friend has been trying to set them up for a while now.  The movie carries on a bit to display Pike's character's life as normal and routine until we arrive at date night. The Pike is on the couch painting her toe nails and notices the