Biden isn't the Answer

Trump is a terrible president and will probably go down as the worst president in American history, but with that being said, I don't think Joe Biden is the answer. In my mind, the only reason Joe Biden is even the front runner is because Elizabeth Warren said she was going to tax rich people and Bernie Sanders is too much of an idealist for most people to take seriously, thus, Joe is the next best thing. 

Joe Biden seems likes a good man but he is 77 years old and he's a politician which means he knows exactly what to say so people like him regardless of his answer. One such example of this is his stance on Marijuana. Joe is not for the legalization of marijuana but rather he wants to take the state's right approach and move it from a schedule I drug to a lower schedule. He claims that he needs to see more scientific evidence to prove it doesn't have harmful psychological or health effects on adults and teens and not because he grew up during the reefer madness craze.

For me there are few things wrong with this stance. First, if he wanted more medical research he would legalize it which in turn would allow greater access for researchers to provide such research. Currently there is only one place federally licensed to dispense marijuana for research which puts a strain on both the supply and the demand. If people don't have access or have limits to the amounts that can obtain their project could be compromised. The law is specific to marijuana and would not go away with the rescheduling of the drug. The next issue with his science excuse is that there were 2 studies done prior to now and both found that marijuana had no harmful effects but both were disregarded and since then there has been a wealth of new information and studies conducted proving the medical benefits to marijuana and it's minimal side effects. The only reason there is no concrete long term data is because of the law regarding the access for researchers I mentioned earlier that only allows for them to get the marijuana from one federally licensed location. 

My next issue with his stance is all the work he has done in politics, specifically, the justice system. Joe worked with the Clinton administration and back then they had to have a tough on crime policy in order to beat the Republicans and it would be naive of me to assume that Joe hadn't heard of the southern strategy and why their stance was to be tough on crime. It would be naive of Joe to think that winning with the Clinton administration didn't bring with it some of those people. Keeping that in mind it didn't stop Joe from him contributions to the 3 strikes law or any of the other legislation that has since pasted. I can't imagine the legalization of marijuana would be good for his life work and being tough on crime all these years, and while I am not saying he's a racist, he did say that if you vote Trump you're not black and that to me feels a little "outdated" but right on brand for a 77 year old white man. 

Last issue is Joe's age. He lived through reefer madness, probably loved D.A.R.E, and the war on drugs. You don't wash that kind programming away with a few years of progressive movements. Case in point, they asked that guy from Duck Dynasty what his thoughts about homosexuality were and he let them know exactly what those Bible thumpers from back in the day told him but now he's the bad guy. Truth is, Biden is a politician and knows better than to say anything stupid like that so obviously in order to keep his popularity up he won't say he's never going to legalize weed, he's going to make us sympathize with his point by using the medical evidence excuse and now he won't lose as much popularity but that "gateway" drug won't be legal as long as he is president despite the fact that alcohol and cigarettes kill more people and have been proven to have direct links to health issues from prolonged use and/or abuse. If he was for banning alcohol and cigarettes then I could sympathize with his stance on needing more medical research. 

Look, I am not saying don't vote Biden because he's a racist and hates weed, I am just saying it's far past time for us to stop electing these old out of touch white men to run this country. They have done a terrible job thus far and maybe it's time we find some fresh blood from a more relevant generation.   


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