Stone cold liar

Roger Stone was sentence to prison for lying. Trump pardoned his sentence and now Roger is back at it again.

He was doing an interview and during the interview he was asked some questions that seemed to strike a nerve to which Roger appears to respond with," I am not gonna argue with this negro..." or at least that what myself and a bunch of other people heard but apparently this is not true. According to Roger that word doesn't line up with his politics and his beliefs. He is appalled and will hire a forensic examiner to prove that tape was fake and he did not say that word.

First, if he was going to lie he should have said the whole interview was fake and not just him saying that one word, but I understand why he couldn't say that he didn't do the interview because there are people who will confirm that he did in fact do the interview but it's still a way better lie than "I didn't say that word.."

Second, why would anyone pick the word negro? If they were going to do a frame job why not go the whole way and make it really look bad instead of only kinda loosely bad? It makes no sense. They could have edited the hard "-er" in there and people would have believed that just like they believe that he said negro.

Last, don't believe any BS dime store "expert" he gets. These men with money have enough to pay someone to come up with a plausible scenario of how they could have edited that tape and it will sound just plausible enough except for the fact that he can't actually prove how they did it; he will only be able to offer up theories and say things like "it's very likely" and "very possible". Some will believe it but I think most will know it's all a bunch of crap.


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